China Daily

Dutch debate over new pecking order


THE HAGUE, Netherland­s — To their detractors, they’re dirty, alien invaders whose incessant chatter ruins Sunday morning lie-ins.

To their supporters, they’re beautiful, cheerful reminders of warmer climes amid the winter chill.

Love them or hate them, thousands of rose-ringed parakeets, close relatives of parrots, have made their home in the Netherland­s over the past five decades, and their growing presence has become a source of noisy debate.

Imported from Pakistan in the 1960s to brighten the aviaries of wealthy Europeans — especially the Dutch and British — over the years many escaped and have now successful­ly adapted to life in the city.

Indeed, the rose-ringed, or ring-necked, parakeet was listed among Europe’s top 100 most invasive species in the scientific journal Biological Invasions in December.

While their fans claim they are victims of a knee-jerk fear of anything new, some groups actively lobby for their numbers to be culled.

Critics argue the flying flocks undermine the natural order, pinching the resting spaces of owls and bats, leaving behind piles of bird droppings and ravaging trees and plants.

“Some residents are even thinking of moving house because of their infernal noise,” said Wilfred Reinhold, president of an associatio­n fighting against the birds’ presence in the country.

In Leiden, biologist Roelant Jonker has taken the country’s oldest colony of the birds under his wing, despite being allergic to their feathers and even though his passion was sorely tested six years ago.

While studying a group of yellow-eared parrots in the jungles of Colombia, Jonker was taken hostage by FARC rebels, a “traumatizi­ng experience” which lasted eight months.

However, he remains determined to protect the estimated 15,000 parakeets which now call the Netherland­s home. By comparison, France is 15 times bigger but counts only around 10,000 parakeets.

‘Here to stay’

Reinhold insists that measures should be taken to stop the flocks.

“Nets could be dropped on the trees at night to catch hundreds of them,” he suggested, accepting however that using guns to shoot them down “would not be a very good idea in the city”.

But removing them would be too costly, argued Jonker, who said: “There is nothing to do. They are here, they are going to stay.”

He pointed to some birch trees, saying they had once been imported by the Romans and were now an integral part of the Dutch landscape.

The next generation will see the parakeets “as ordinary birds ... and they will be as ordinary as all the different colors of people and birds in Europe”, he said.

 ?? J PAT CARTER / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Thousands of parakeets have made the Netherland­s home in the past five decades, but some groups are now lobbying for a cull.
J PAT CARTER / ASSOCIATED PRESS Thousands of parakeets have made the Netherland­s home in the past five decades, but some groups are now lobbying for a cull.

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