China Daily

ສສ ڠ❞ҍ䏘䓦䄨ⵁ⮱ ᰸ࣸ॔喑఍ͧЃЙᒵღ ᭀើ䗮ćć

- 㦐䲆䃥䯲Ⴎ ͚పᬒ្ࣹ䄚᫝䬨

̭䶦ⵁ⾣ࣾ⣝喑ⵁ⾣⩌ܧ⣝ើ䗮⫴⟣⮱ắ⢴᭜ᮛ䕇ϧ⮱ښ Ժȡ ᓤጋ๔႓౐Ⴖ͉ᅩຒܳᵎ⮱ⵁ⾣ఏ䭌ᄦ ͗పუ⮱ ऺ႓ ⩌ևγ䄰ᴒ喑 ጓठ⮱ऄ䃬㔲ܧ⣝γ͚Ꮣ㜠䛺Ꮣ♓㭾⫴⟣喑䓾


A new study found that graduate students are six times more likely to exhibit depression symptoms than the general population. The findings should surprise no one but it’s important to have quantitati­ve data about a mental health hazard running rampant in universiti­es across the entire world. Such data “should prompt academia and policymake­rs to consider interventi­on strategies”, the authors wrote in the journal Nature. ̭䶦᫝ⵁ⾣ࣾ⣝喑ⵁ⾣⩌ܧ⣝ើ䗮⫴⟣⮱ắ⢴᭜ᮛ䕇ϧ㓑⮱ښ Ժȡ㮪♣䔆̺ツܧͻᘼ᫆⮱ࣾ⣝喑ѳើ䗮⫴ౕ̓⩹ऱౝ⮱๔႓㖳㭽喑ᩣ䯳Ⱕ ڠ᪝ᢛ䉱᫆࡮ܳ䛺㺮ȡⵁ⾣҉㔲ౕ Ȩ㜗♣ȩᱯᔄ̷ۆ䖀喑䔆ψ᪝ᢛĄᏁ䄒ӰҬ႓ᱜ⩹হᩬゃݣჇ㔲ᕊ㔰᎟䶱ゃ⪒ąȡ Researcher­s led by Teresa Evans, a neuroscien­tist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, surveyed 2,279 students in 26 different countries, 70 percent of whom were female, 28 percent male, and 2 percent transgende­r. The fields of study involved were 56 percent humanities and 38 percent physical sciences. Approximat­ely 40 percent of the respondent­s scored moderate to severe for anxiety. Nearly 40 percent of respondent­s also showed signs of moderate to severe depression. ᓤጋ๔႓౐Ⴖ͉ᅩຒܳᵎ֒Ꮴ⻾႓ ͚ᓰ⺋㏼႓უ➦㪫㢻eз̴᫜ፓ䶳⮱ⵁ⾣ఏ䭌ᄦ ͗పუ⮱ 喑ऺ႓⩌ևγ䄰ᴒ喑͚ڣ ऄ䃬㔲ͧຠᕔ喑 ͧ⩤ᕔ喑 ͧअᕔ㔲ȡ䄰ᴒ⊶ࣷ⮱႓⻾ᰶ ᭜᪴⻾喑 ᭜⤳⻾ȡౕऄ䃬㔲͚喑ጓठ⮱ϧܧ⣝γ͚Ꮣ㜠䛺Ꮣ♓㭾⫴ ⟣喑䓾 ⮱ϧ䔅ܧ⣝γ͚Ꮣ㜠䛺Ꮣើ䗮ȡ Consistent with previous research on non-student population­s, transgende­r and gender-nonconform­ing graduate students, along with women, were more likely to experience anxiety and depression than their cisgender male counterpar­ts. The prevalence of anxiety and depression in transgende­r or gender-nonconform­ing graduate students was 55 percent and 57 percent, respective­ly. Among cis students, 43 percent of women had anxiety and 41 percent were depressed. That’s compared to 34 percent of cis men reporting symptoms of anxiety and 35 percent showing signs of depression. ݺ͸̻ᄦ䲋႓⩌㓑Ҁ⮱䄰ᴒ㐀᳉Ⱕ ̭㜡⮱᭜喑अᕔ㔲Ƞᕔ ݘ䃑䃳̺⌲㔲হຠᕔ℁䶧ᕔ ݘ⩤ᕔᰡღᭀ♓㭾হើ䗮ȡअᕔ㔲হᕔ ݘ䃑䃳̺⌲㔲ᙌ ݝ♓㭾ើ䗮⮱ắ⢴ܳݘ᭜ হ ȡౕ䶧ᕔ ݘ႓⩌͚喑 ⮱ ຠᕔᙌ ݝ♓㭾喑 ⮱ຠᕔᙌ ើݝ䗮ȡⰥ℁͸̸喑 ⮱䶧ᕔ ᕔ⩤ݘ ܧ⣝♓㭾⫴⟣喑 ⮱䶧ᕔ ᕔ⩤ݘ ܧ⣝ើ䗮⫴⟣ȡ It’s not hard to understand why life as a PhD student can literally drive some people crazy. Long hours, social isolation and feelings of inadequacy can break even the most motivated persons among us. Top it all off with a generous topping of impostor syndrome, and when this situation persists, the anxiety and depression can become chronic. 䄨ⵁ⮱ᬒၽ㘪ិϧ䕩⫝̸喑䔆◦̺䯫⤳㼐ȡ⑘⑘䪬ᬒȠ㙞⻨⹫чহ߈̺ ϻᓰᙌ喑⩇㜠जВ䃖᜾Й䏘䓦ᰭ⼜Ხ⮱ϧቖ⎰ȡᰭ㏵ҍᐭ໸̺᫚㜗᜾ ᔭ⪾喑䪬ₑВᒭ喑♓㭾হើ䗮ज㘪ч䯫В⇨ᘵȡ One obvious solution is improving the work-life balance among graduate students. Of the graduate students who experience­d moderate to severe anxiety, 56 percent did not agree that their work-life balance was “good”, versus 24 percent who did. Among graduate students with depression, more than half (55 percent) did not agree with the statement (21 percent agreed). ᰭⰡᣒ⮱㼐۠ߋ∂᭜ᩦ઱ⵁ⾣⩌⮱ ጒ҉⩌≨Ꭰ㶎ȡౕᙌ ݝ͚Ꮣ㜠䛺Ꮣ ♓㭾⮱ⵁ⾣⩌͚喑ᰶ ⮱ϧ䃑ͧ㜗ጞ̺㘪Ąᒵສąౝ㐡ᠮጒ҉̻⩌ ≨⮱Ꭰ㶎喑ᰶ ⮱ϧ䃑ͧ͑㔲ᒵ Ꭰ㶎ȡ㔹ౕᙌ ݝើ䗮⮱ⵁ⾣⩌͚喑䊲䓴 ⮱ϧ䃑̺ͧ㘪㐡ᠮጒ҉হ ⩌≨⮱Ꭰ㶎喍 ⮱ϧ䃑ͧ㘪㐡ᠮ Ꭰ㶎喎ȡ Proper mentorship is another aspect that can impact a graduate student’s mental health. Among the respondent­s with anxiety or depression, only half agreed that their immediate mentors provided “real” mentorship. ̻ᄩጵ⮱㞜ສ ڠ㈨Ό᭜ᒞ৺ⵁ⾣⩌ ᓰ⤳֒Ꮴ⮱̭͗఍㉍ȡౕܧ⣝♓㭾হើ䗮⮱ऄ䃬㔲͚喑गᰶ̭ࡷϧ䃑ͧⰡ㈨ᄩጵͧЃЙ᣽ӈγĄⱌₐą ⮱ᠴᄩȡ Evans adds that universiti­es need to recognize the problem and provide students with the necessary training and support in order to help them manage their time and cope with stress. з̴᫜䃑ͧ๔႓Ꮑ䄒䛺㻳䔆͗䬛䷅喑ͧ႓⩌᣽ӈᓲ㺮⮱ദ䃚হᩜ ᠮ喑፛ߖЃЙノ⤳ᬣ䬡喑Ꮑᄦࢸ߈ȡ 䄨ⵁ̺ᭀ喑ࣨ㐆ҍ䏘䓦䄨ⵁ⮱᰸ࣸ喑̭͗ᰶ❞⮱៞៞॔喆

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