China Daily



上海精神the Shanghai Spirit 国家主席习近平10日­上午在山东青岛出席上­海合作组 织成员国元首理事会第­十八次会议并发表重要­讲话。习近平说,当前,世界发展既充满希望,也面临挑战,我们的未来无比光明,但前方的道路不会平坦。我们要

,破解时代难 进一步弘扬上海精神(the Shanghai Spirit)题,化解风险挑战(further carry forward the Shanghai Spirit to surmount difficulti­es, defuse risks and meet challenges)。他提出,We should uphold innovative, coordinate­d, green, open and inclusive developmen­t, achieve coordinate­d social and economic progress of various countries and resolve issues caused by unbalanced developmen­t. We should bridge the gap in developmen­t and promote shared prosperity. 我们要提倡创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展观,实现各国经济社会协同­进步,解决发展不平衡带来的­问题,缩小发展差距,促进共同繁荣。 We should pursue common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security. We should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontat­ion between blocks and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the security of other countries, so as to achieve security of all. 我们要践行共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,摒弃冷战思维、集团对抗,反对以牺牲别国安全换­取自身绝对安全的做法,实现普遍安全。 We need to promote open and inclusive cooperatio­n for win-win outcomes. We should reject self-centered, shortsight­ed and closed-door policies. We should uphold WTO rules and support the multilater­al trading system so as to build an open world economy. 我们要秉持开放、融通、互利、共赢的合作观,拒绝自私自利、短视封闭的狭隘政策,维护世界贸易组织规则,支持多边贸易体制,构建开放型世界经济。 Equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiven­ess between cultures should be championed, so that we overcome cultural misunderst­anding, clash and supremacy through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistenc­e. 我们要树立平等、互鉴、对话、包容的文明观,以文明交流超越文明隔­阂,以文明互鉴超越文明冲­突,以文明共存超越文明优­越。 We should adhere to extensive consultati­on, joint contributi­on and shared benefits in global governance, steadily reform and improve the global governance system, and push all countries to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity. 我们要坚持共商共建共­享的全球治理观,不断改革完善全球治理­体系,推动各国携手建设人类­命运共同体。 习近平在讲话中说,上海精神是我们共同的­财富,上海合作组织是我们共­同的家园(the Shanghai Spirit is our shared asset, and the SCO is our shared home) 。我们要继续在上海精神­指引下,同舟共济,精诚合作,齐心协力构建上海合作­组织命运共同体(to build an SCO community with a shared future) ,推动建设新型国际关系,携手迈向持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界(build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity) 。 为此,他提出以下建议: SCO member states should build up strength of unity and mutual trust. 第一,凝聚团结互信的强大力­量。 SCO member states should strengthen the foundation for shared peace and security. 第二,筑牢和平安全的共同基­础。 SCO members need to build a powerful engine to achieve common developmen­t. 第三,打造共同发展繁荣的强­劲引擎。 Member states of the SCO should forge closer ties through people-to-people and cultural exchanges. 第四,拉紧人文交流合作的共­同纽带。 SCO member states need to expand partnershi­p networks of internatio­nal cooperatio­n. 第五,共同拓展国际合作的伙­伴网络。 相关词汇青岛宣言th­e Qingdao Declaratio­n共同繁荣 shared prosperity­冷战思维 Cold War mentality文­明隔阂 cultural misunderst­anding狭隘政策 closed-door policies伙伴­网络 partnershi­p network

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