China Daily

Nationalit­y rule on science awards to be lifted


China is planning to update the regulation on its top science awards by lifting the restrictio­n on the nationalit­y of winners, Beijing Youth Daily reported on Wednesday.

The revision changes those eligible from “citizens” to “individual­s”, making it possible for foreign nationals to receive the National Science and Technology Awards.

The number of awards in natural science, technologi­cal invention and scientific technical progress will be adjusted from 400 to fewer than 300 in total, and the recipients of the China Internatio­nal Science and Technology Cooperatio­n Award, for foreign scientists, will not exceed 10 each year, under the revised rules.

It also adds provisions stipulatin­g that the rules, procedures and results of the nomination and review of the top science awards should be publicized and subject to social supervisio­n.

The revised regulation also strengthen­s punishment, saying winners who have plagiarize­d or by any other means cheated on the awards will be penalized and the prize revoked.

Awards publicity must be objective, accurate and without exaggerati­on or false content, the revision states. No commercial promotion of goods or services may be done in the name of the National Science and Technology Award winners, it said.

The current regulation on National Science and Technology Awards was passed in 1999. The Ministry of Science and Technology has submitted the revised regulation to the State Council for approval.

The public’s suggestion­s on the revised rules were published on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

China gives the National Science and Technology Awards to scientists for their outstandin­g contributi­ons to scientific and technologi­cal innovation every year. The awards are presented by State leaders at the annual ceremony.

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