China Daily

Garbage charged by weight



(lājī jìliàng shōufèi)

The National Developmen­t and Reform Commission released guidelines on innovating and improving the price mechanism on Friday aimed at promoting green developmen­t. The document advances a new policy of charging for solid waste processing as a means of reducing the amount of waste generated. This is the first time the government has advanced a fee for garbage disposal based on weight.

The document requires actively promoting reform of the urban domestic garbage disposal charge, with waste charged by weight, and nonclassif­ied garbage charged at a higher price.

China faces a great challenge in disposing of waste. The urban garbage exceeds 200 million tons every year according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developmen­t's statistics, and according to Liu Jianguo, a professor at the School of Environmen­t, Tsinghua University, when rural waste is included the amount of garbage produced in the country probably exceeds 400 million tons every year.

The document further clarifies building a nationwide solid waste disposal charging mechanism that fully covers the cost and allows reasonable profit for waste processing companies. Mechanisms to encourage garbage classifica­tion, waste minimizati­on and garbage treatment should be establishe­d, and the hazardous waste disposal system should be improved.

Garbage charged by weight is of great significan­ce to promote garbage classifica­tion, save resources, protect the environmen­t and improve people's living environmen­t, according to the document.

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