China Daily

Sounds nice

A pair of customized high-end earbuds is the key to audio bliss


Step by step, let’s find the tailormade sound that’s right for you — ready … play!

Step 1 Grab your favorite digital audio player or your smartphone, filled with the music that you usually listen to. It’s ideal if you can load it up with lossless files, e.g. AV or FLAC.

Step 2 With your files and your player, head to your local audio shop and test a range of custom in-ear monitors from various brands. Each model tends to highlight unique sonic characteri­stics, so different ones are better for specific kinds of music. Choose the one that’s right for your needs and start the order process.

Step 3 Pick your favorite shell colors and artwork (the pattern on the top). Some brands can even do different designs for the left and right sides. And of course, this is when you pay the bill.

Step 4 Visit a reliable hearing center to get a custom silicon mold of your ear, and send that mold to the brand or the shop.

Step 5 Now, you wait. Your earbuds should be done according to the time frame that the brand promises.

Step 6 Choose a suitable cable that fits your earbuds once you receive them, as various conductors can have slightly different sonic effects. For example, silver can make the high range brighter and tends to be richer in detail, whereas copper delivers the audio in a mellow way and provides more profound midand low-range sounds.

Step 7 Though the brand may provide a basic box, you can also select a nice carrying case for your new beauties; a hard-shell is ideal for protecting them. Step 8 Let the music take you away!

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