China Daily

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US girl proves to be inspiratio­nal online star

Adalia Rose, 11, lives in Texas, is an online star and agrees she’s a “diva” — she also has a genetic disorder, progeria, that affects fewer than 500 people in the world. People with the disorder live, on average, to about the age of 14. They are born looking healthy but then age extremely quickly. Adalia’s parents describe their daughter as courageous and a bundle of energy. Netizens commented that her life is full of vigor, and they wished her the best of luck.

Chronic stress can hurt your memory

Stress can cause ill health but it may also impair the memory. Three tips could help keep your brain fully functionin­g, providing you don’t forget them! Exercise can not only release pressure, but also improve memory and mental processing. A glass of wine, every now and then, laughter and meditation are all considered beneficial and finally, maintainin­g an active social life provides mental stimulatio­n.

Facial recognitio­n gives health tips

A school in Gansu province is using a facial recognitio­n system to advise the students of the benefits of certain foods. The High School Attached to Northwest Normal University in Lanzhou introduced the system to enable students to help them calculate the protein, fat and dietary fiber contained in their chosen dish.

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