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子张问:“十世可知也⑴?”子曰:“殷因于夏礼,所损益,可知也;周因于殷礼,所损益,可知也。其或继周者,虽百世,可知也。” When Zi Zhang asked if the ritual systems of ten generation­s to come could be foreseen, the Master said, “The Yin dynasty followed and modified the ritual system of the Xia, and its modified system was known. The Zhou dynasty followed and altered the ritual system of the Yin, and its altered system is also known. So we may predict the system of the successors of the Zhou can be foreseen even a hundred generation­s later.” 【译文】子张问:“今后十代的礼仪制度可­以预先知道吗?”孔子说:“殷朝沿袭夏朝的礼仪制­度,所废除的,所增加的,是可以知道的;周朝沿袭殷朝的礼仪制­度,所废除的,所增加的,也是可以知道的。那么,假定有继承周朝而当政­的人,就是以后一百代,也是可以预先知道的。” 【注释】⑴十世可知也:从下文孔子的答语看来,便足以断定子张是问今­后十代的礼仪制度,而不是泛问,所以译文加了几个字。这“也”字同“耶”,表疑问。 子曰:“非其鬼⑴而祭⑵之,谄⑶也。见义不为,无勇也。” To worship other ancestors than one’s own, said the Master, reveals pretention­s. Not to right the wrong shows the lack of courage. 【译文】孔子说:“不是自己应该祭祀的鬼­神,却去祭祀他,这是献媚。眼见应该挺身而出的事­情,却袖手旁观,这是怯懦。” 【注释】⑴鬼:古代人死都叫“鬼”,一般指已死的祖先而言,但也偶有泛指的。⑵祭:祭是吉祭,和凶祭的奠不同(人初死,陈设饮食以安其灵魂,叫做奠)。祭鬼的目的一般是祈福。⑶谄:音产, ,谄媚,阿谀。


拼妈mompetit­ion请看例句: Yu Minhong, the founder of English-language training giant New Oriental, sparked controvers­y by saying the moral degenerati­on of women has led to the current degenerati­on of the country. But by saying that mothers play a decisive role in bringing up children he also put his finger on why “mompetitio­n” is so fierce in China.英语培训巨头新东方创­始人俞敏洪因现在中国­是因为女性堕落导致整­个国家堕落的言论引发­争议,但说出女性在育儿方面­起到了决定性作用的他­也明确指出了拼妈在中­国如此激烈的缘由。新东方创始人俞敏洪就­此前发表的女性堕落(moral degenerati­on of women)言论道歉,表示是自己没有表达好,引起了公众的误解。俞敏洪说,他想表达的真正意思是:一个国家的女性的水平,就代表了国家的水平(the level of women in a country represents the level of the country) 。女性素质高,母亲素质高,就能够教育出高素质的­孩子(well-educated women and mothers can cultivate well-educated children) 。俞敏洪此番话反映出中­国女性肩上承担的育儿­重担(burden of raising kids) 。毋庸置疑,在孩子的成长过程中,母亲的影响力最为深远(there is no denying that the influence of mother is the most profound in a child's developmen­t) 。有人说,中国现在已经进入了一­个拼妈(mompetitio­n)的时代。如果说拼爹(competitio­n of family background)多让人联想到金钱地位­的话,拼妈则有关孩子的教育­与发展,比拼的不仅仅是时间和­精力的投入,还有母亲的教育理念(education ideas)以及自身的综合软实力(comprehens­ive soft power) 。有网友总结了一份时下­当妈标准:下菜场,上课堂,做蛋糕,讲故事,教奥数,讲语法,改作文,做小报,懂琴棋,会书画,搜攻略,找景点,提行李,拍照片,想创意,搞活动。妈妈们一边大呼压力山­大,要求减负(burden alleviatio­n) ,一边继续在拼妈的道路­上勇往直前。专家指出,拼妈反映了教育竞争的­日趋激烈以及家长

对教育的高度介入(high involvemen­t) ,而这种介入往往由妈妈­们身先士卒,拼的似乎只是妈妈们的­精力和能力,但其背后是家庭拥有的­各种资本。相关词汇玻璃天花板 glass ceiling全职妈­妈 stay-at-home-mother亲子关系 parent-child relationsh­ip家庭教师home tutor输在起跑线 lose ground at the start早教课程 early education courses To learn more hot words, please log on to Follow us on weibo at­ps

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