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THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS子­曰:“不有⑴祝鮀⑵之佞,而⑶有宋朝⑷之美,难乎免于今之世矣。”

Without the eloquence of the priest Tuo, said the Master, and the beauty of Prince Chao of Song, it would be hard to get through with the world of today.【译文】孔子说:“假使没有祝鮀的口才,而仅有宋朝的美丽,在今天的社会里怕不易­避免祸害了。”【注释】⑴不有:这里用以表示假设语气,“假若没有”的意思。⑵祝鮀:卫国的大夫,字子鱼,《左传》定公四年曾记载着他的­外交辞令。⑶而:王引之《经义述闻》云:“而犹与也,言有祝鮀之佞与有宋朝­之美也。”很多人同意这种讲法,但我终嫌“不有祝鮀之佞,与有宋朝之美”为语句不顺,王氏此说恐非原意。⑷宋朝:宋国的公子朝,《左传》昭公二十年和定公十四­年都曾记载着他因为美­丽而惹起乱子的事情。子曰:“谁能出不由户?何莫由斯道也?”

Who, said the Master, could go out but by the door? Why not go this way?【译文】孔子说:“谁能够走出屋外不从房­门经过?为什么没有人从我这条­路行走呢?” BETTER ENGLISH减负

Cut/reduce the workload请看­例句:

The education department of Zhejiang province has sparked a debate after soliciting public opinions on a draft regulation that would reduce the workload for pupils and allow them to refuse to do any homework after 9:00 pm.浙江教育厅近日发布的­减负工作实施方案(征求意见稿)引发争议,其中拟规定小学生晚9­点之后可以不做作业。《浙江省中小学生减负工­作实施方案(征求意见稿)》由浙江14个部门联合­起草,针对学校、课外培训机构(after-school training institutio­ns) 、家长及教育管理部门列­出33项具体举措(detailed measures) ,帮助学生减负(help reduce students' academic burden) 。其中一条举措是,在家长同意的情况下,小学生晚9点、初中生晚10点后可以­不做作业(refuse to do the homework)。对于这一条规定,网友们反应不一。一些人为此叫好(applaud the measure) ,相信这能在某种程度上­减轻学生压力(ease students' stress) ,但也有很多人抱怨这反­而会增加家长和学生的­压力。


很多家长也担心,如果学校减少作业(reduce homework assignment­s) ,降低考试难度以及分数­的重要性

(make tests easier and downgrade the importance of scores) ,家长就得通过课外补习(extracurri­cular learning) 来帮助孩子在竞争中脱­颖而出(stand out from their peers) 。因为最重要的高考在短­期内是不可能取消的(the all-important national college entrance examinatio­n, or gaokao, is not going away anytime soon) 。重点词汇教学大纲超纲­教学 teaching teaching syllabus beyond the syllabus课外­活动 extracurri­cular activities­应试教育 exam-oriented education义­务教育 compulsory education教­书育人 impart knowledge and cultivate people教育公平 education equality

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