China Daily

Iran will become a pariah, UK warns

- By EARLE GALE in London earle@mail.chinadaily­

The United Kingdom has told Iran it will become a world pariah if it continues to suppress criticism of the recent downing of a passenger aircraft.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab issued the warning after Iran arrested the UK’s ambassador to the country at a demonstrat­ion in Teheran on Saturday evening.

Rob Macaire was held for three hours before being released and was then summoned to a meeting at Iran’s Foreign Office on Sunday, where he was accused of having played an “illegal and inappropri­ate” role at the demonstrat­ion.

“The arrest of our ambassador in Teheran without grounds or explanatio­n is a flagrant violation of internatio­nal law,” Raab said. “The Iranian government is at a crossroads moment. It can continue its march toward pariah status, with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to de-escalate tensions and engage in a diplomacy.”

The row seems to have deepened an already sizable diplomatic rift between the two countries, Britain’s The Guardian newspaper reported.

Germany joined the criticism of Iran and a spokesman for the UK prime minister issued a statement on behalf of both Britain and Germany saying the nations have “shared interests in ensuring Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon”.

But Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister, played down the incident, writing in a Tweet that the Iranian authoritie­s had not known at the time that the person they arrested on Saturday was the ambassador.

Araghchi said he was simply an “unknown foreigner in an illegal gathering”.

He tweeted: “When police informed me a man was arrested who claims to be UK ambassador, I said IMPOSSIBLE! Only after my phone conversati­on with him I identified, out of big surprise, that it’s him. 15 mins later he was free.”

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said it summoned Macaire on Sunday to give him a chance to explain himself.

The ministry said it “reminded” him that his presence at “illegal gatherings contravene­d” the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, the BBC reported.

Teheran said his presence at such an event was “illegal and inappropri­ate”.

After Macaire’s arrest, pro-government protesters gathered outside the UK embassy to demand its closure and chant “Death to England” in a situation that the British Foreign Office described as tense.

Macaire, meanwhile, said he believed the event he attended on Saturday was a vigil in honor of the 176 victims of the tragedy, four of whom were British. He tweeted that he left when it turned into an antigovern­ment protest, and was arrested some time later while making his way back to the embassy.

The Iranian ambassador to the UK, Hamid Baeidineja­d, told British media the episode was essentiall­y a misunderst­anding.

“The moment the police has been informed of the identity of the UK ambassador, he has been freed.”

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