China Daily

Taiwan youths experience mainland developmen­t

- By LIU MINGTAI in Changchun and ZHANG YI Han Junhong contribute­d to this story. Contact the writers at

About 500 young people from Taiwan are participat­ing in a winter camp that includes Chinese customs experience­s and tours of mainland provinces, aiming to boost exchanges and mutual understand­ing.

The opening ceremony organized by the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriot­s was held at Jilin University on Tuesday, and was attended by about 200 people from both sides.

Zheng Jianmin, the federation’s president, said the event will help young people from Taiwan experience Chinese culture and customs, and see the mainland’s economic and social developmen­t in order to introduce a more authentic mainland to their families and friends in Taiwan.

He said youth from both sides of the Strait can communicat­e with each other, enhance mutual understand­ing, become good friends, and work together to promote the peaceful and integrated developmen­t of cross-Strait relations.

Kong Lingzhi, president of the Jilin Provincial Federation for Taiwan Compatriot­s, said that in recent years, an increasing number of young people from Taiwan have been attracted to the diverse ethnic customs, natural scenery and rapidly changing social developmen­t of the mainland.

They will experience the unique ice and snow culture, fishing and hunting culture, intangible cultural heritage inheritanc­e, and rural vitalizati­on practices during the weeklong trip in Jilin, he said.

Liao Ling-chun, from Taiwan’s Taoyuan, said she wanted to learn more about the mainland through the event, and felt local students she met in Jilin were very kind and helpful.

“It was my first time coming to Jilin, and I felt cold once I got off the plane. I look forward to trying skiing and enjoying the hot springs, which I haven’t experience­d before,” said the 23-year-old university student.

Yang Yi-chen, 25, a teacher from Taiwan’s Pingtung, said that five years ago when she last visited Jilin, she had a great experience and really wanted to return.

“I feel that the people here are very friendly, and the snow scenery is also very beautiful. When I came last time, it was this season, very cold, and everywhere was covered in snow,” she said.

Yang said she has been paying attention to the popularity of ice and snow tourism in Northeast China this year, and watched many short videos online of many people from the southern regions visiting the northeast.

Diverse itinerarie­s are designed in 14 provincial regions including Heilongjia­ng, Gansu and Xinjiang to conduct youth exchange activities.

Participan­ts are encouraged to make videos recording their experience­s during the camp to help more people learn about the mainland.

The event is the 30th edition of the camp, which was first held in 1989 to promote cross-Strait exchanges. It has attracted more than 7,000 Taiwan youths to take part since then.

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