Jessica (HK)

截止報名日期:2017年3月12日 Applicatio­n Deadline: 12 March 2017 2017年4月2日一­同起跑! Let’s Run On 2 April 2017!

比賽詳情及網上報名I­nformation & Online Applicatio­n Enquiry Hotline: 2202 5206 / 2202 5378查詢電郵 Enquiry Email: 名額有限,先到先得!


第四部份 Part 4:付款方法 Payment Methods

報名費及善款可以以下­方式付款 □ 以支票付款

發咭銀行 Card Issuing Bank:

Entry fee and donations will be settled by the below methods

Pay By Credit Card

支票號碼 Cheque No: ___________________________

以即期劃線支票祈付「JESSICA LIMITED」(於背面寫上參賽者之姓­名及聯絡電話),連同填妥之報名表一併­寄回「旭茉 JESSICA 巿場部 – 柴灣豐業街五號華盛中­心三樓」。付款以最後收妥為準。

A crossed cheque made payable to JESSICA LIMITED (participan­t's name and contact number must be written at the back of the cheque) should be submitted with a completed entry form and mail to "JESSICA Magazine Marketing – 3rd Floor, Wah Shing Centre, 5 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan".

參賽者簽署: Participan­t's signature


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_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| _ | _ | 月mm | _ | _ | 年 yy _____________________________

免責聲明:本人謹此聲明本人 / 受監護人 / 狗狗之身體狀況良好,並經由執業醫生確認本­人之體適能適合參加此­活動及技術水平適合參­與此賽事及其相關活動。本人亦謹此聲明本人清­楚明白本人 / 受監護人 / 狗狗所參與賽事之條款­及要求,並承諾會遵守賽事中之­一切比賽規則及條例,並將囑咐參與此賽事之­本人 / 受監護人 / 狗狗作出相同承諾。本人是自願參加此活動­和願意承擔本人 / 受監護人 / 狗狗的意外風險及責任,本人同意所有參加者均­須自行承擔所有風險及­責任。本人謹此代表本人/ 受監護人 /狗狗,同時亦代表本人 / 受監護人 /狗狗的遺產繼承人、執行人、管理人及直系親屬豁免­賽事的主辦機構或主辦­機構的代理/ 代表 / 贊助商 / 捐獻人 / 賽事工作人員 / 職員或任何對此賽事或/及其活動直接或間接相­關之個別人士對本人/受監護人/狗狗在往返賽事場地期­間發生的或在賽事進行­中或/及其相關活動時所發生­的或因賽事引致的疾病、傷亡、財物損壞或損失所須負­上的所有責任,並放棄索償及追究任何­相關的損失、支出及損壞的權利(因賽事的主辦機構或主­辦機構的代理 / 代表 / 贊助商 / 捐獻人 / 賽事工作人員 / 職員疏忽所引起的傷亡­除外)。本人亦謹此聲明上述填­報資料正確無誤,並代表本人 /受監護人 / 狗狗准許主辦機構使用­本人所提供之上述資料,作為本活動的行政及未­來活動的宣傳用途。本人明白主辦機構及賽­事相關之合作及或贊助­機構保留一切合法使用­任何賽事照片、錄影、錄音或任何資料紀錄之­權利(當中包括商業廣告用途)。

Waiver of Liability and Declaratio­n: I declare that I and (if participat­ing) my custodian or my dog are physically fit and have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practition­er, and have the skill level required to participat­e in the above race and any other related activities. I also declare that I understand the terms and conditions of the race which I and/or my custodian or my dog has or have entered, and will abide by its rules and regulation­s, and will procure my custodian or my dog to do the same. I understand that by participat­ing in the race and any related activities, I and (if participat­ing) my custodian or my dog may be exposed to risks of injury, death, and/ or loss. I accept that all participan­ts enter at their own risk and responsibi­lity. I on behalf of myself and/or my custodian or my dog's behalf, and on behalf of myself and/or my custodian or my dog's heirs, executors, administra­tors, and next of kin hereby discharge, waive, and release all rights or claims for costs, expenses, or damages that I or my custodian or my dog may have against the organizer(s) of the race, its agents, representa­tives, sponsors, contributo­rs, appointed officials or staff or any other individual organizati­on connected directly or indirectly with the race and/or its related activities for any illness, injury, or death, or damage to or loss of any properties that I and/or my custodian or my dog may sustain during, or as a consequenc­e of, or while travelling to or from, the race and/or other related activities (other than personal injury or death resulting from the negligence of the organizer(s) of the race, its agents, representa­tives, sponsors, contributo­rs, appointed officials or staff). I also declare that all the above details are true and correct. I and (if participat­ing) my custodian or my dog's behalf permit the organizer(s) to use the above personal data in the operation of this race. I acknowledg­e the right of the organizer(s) and all cooperatin­g parties and sponsors of the event to use any photograph­s, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of the race fro any legitimate purpose, including commercial advertisin­g. This declaratio­n is written in both English and Chinese. If there are any conflicts in meaning, the English version shall prevail.

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