Bike India

Never a Dull Moment

- Jim Gorde

THERE NEVER REALLY IS A DULL moment astride the Royal Enfield Continenta­l GT. There’s always some drama waiting to happen and, somehow, that aspect, together with the motorcycle’s character, never fails to make me look forward to heading out. Come rain or shine, the Conti GT delivers a fun ride, long or short, never failing to turn what would usually be a dull commute completely upside down.

Rain means water collects around the fueltank cap and that’s never a good thing. You simply have to wipe the area clean before you open the cap or it is water in the fuel; no two ways about that. Thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with that sort of a problem thus far, but it would help if the surface didn’t form a pond around the hut, if you know what I mean.

The bike has just completed 2,000 km and it’s been a happy couple all the way.

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