Bike India

Can you tell us about your latest airbag-equipped leather racing suit for the masses?



Wearable airbags is a Dainese invention. We have been working on developing the technology for 16 years now. There have been more than one million kilometres of tests, over 1,200 documented, recorded and studied already, whether on the racetrack or on an ordinary road. We constantly strive to develop our products first on the racetrack because it is the most extreme condition but then apply all the lessons to everyday riding.

So at the EICMA 2016 (Milan show) we are presenting products that are aimed at everyday use — sport jackets, sport touring jackets and urban jackets — so that we are slowly taking the technology progressiv­ely to everyday use. Our intention is to make it more accessible in the future and deliver the maximum protection to as many people as we can.




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