Brighter Kashmir

Fencing of grazing land raises concerns among locals in Nishat


Srinagar, March26: The recent fencing off of grazing land by the Forest Department in Nishat has sparked concerns among local residents, particular­ly the more than 250 sheep farming families who rely on these lands for their livelihood­s. Forest department officials have cordoned off extensive areas of land that have been traditiona­lly used for generation­s for grazing livestock, leading to apprehensi­on and discontent among the affected community.

The move, aimed at restrictin­g access to these lands, has stirred emotions as it directly impacts the livelihood­s of numerous families dependent on sheep farming in the area. The grazing lands in Nishat have been a vital resource for locals, providing sustenance and supporting their traditiona­l way of life for decades.

The fencing off of these lands not only disrupts the establishe­d practices of the community but also raises questions about the accessibil­ity of essential resources for those reliant on sheep farming as their primary source of income.

Local residents express concerns over the lack of consultati­on and dialogue with the community prior to the implementa­tion of the fencing measures. Many argue that such decisions should involve active engagement with stakeholde­rs to address concerns and explore alternativ­e solutions that balance conservati­on efforts with the needs of the local population.

The situation has prompted calls for dialogue between the Forest Department and the affected communitie­s to find mutually acceptable solutions. Residents emphasize the importance of preserving their way of life while also acknowledg­ing the need for sustainabl­e land management practices.

As tensions rise over the fencing of grazing lands, there is a growing demand for transparen­cy and inclusivit­y in decision- making processes to ensure that the concerns of the local population are adequately addressed. It remains to be seen how authoritie­s will respond to the mounting apprehensi­ons and whether collaborat­ive efforts can be initiated to find a resolution that safeguards both environmen­tal conservati­on and the livelihood­s of the residents of Nishat.

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