Brighter Kashmir

Farmers urge CEO to relax MCC guidelines for essential services contracts


Srinagar, March 26 : Farmers have appealed to Jammu and Kashmir Chief Electoral Officer PK Pole to ease the Model Code of Conduct ( MCC) guidelines concerning essential services contracts.

The farmers stressed the urgent need for uninterrup­ted access to critical infrastruc­ture such as drains, canals, and other essential amenities.

They said that on the onset of agricultur­al calendar, farmers depend on these vital services to ensure the optimal growth and yield of their crops. “However, the enforcemen­t of MCC often leads to disruption­s in these contracts, exacerbati­ng the hardships faced by the farming community.”

Jeelani Mir, a farmer from

Anantnag said that te timing of the Lok Sabha elections clashes with their busiest season. “We rely on functional drains and canals to sustain our crops. But the MCC restrictio­ns impede these essential services, putting our livelihood­s in jeopardy.”

The extended period of dry weather has raised concerns among farmers, who heavily rely on adequate water supply for their crops. With the looming threat of water scarcity, exacerbate­d by the coinciding peak agricultur­al season, the situation presents a daunting challenge for the farming community.

Similarly, Ghulam Abbas, a farmer from Baramulla urged the government to relax the MCC guidelines as the agricultur­al pursuits cannot afford delays

The farmers have urged the government to strike a balance between democratic proceeding­s and ensuring uninterrup­ted essential services crucial for their sustenance.

They emphasize the necessity for flexibilit­y in MCC regulation­s to mitigate adverse impacts on the agricultur­e and horticultu­re sectors during election cycles.

“We are optimistic for a swift resolution from the CEO to ensure seamless support for our crops during this critical juncture,” they said.

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