Brighter Kashmir

Celebratin­g World Labour Day

- Omkar Dattatray

Internatio­nal Workers Day , also known as Labour Day in some countries and often referred to as May Day is a celebratio­n of labourers and working classes that is promoted by the internatio­nal labour movement and occurs every year on 1st May . On this day we celebrate the workers and labourers and march for their rights against exploitati­on. It originated from eight – hour labour union movement . It is celebrated in countries like India, China, Cuba among others and is a public holiday. This day originated as a union movement in the US around the 19th century.

Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievemen­ts of the labor group . This is one day that is entirely devoted to the labor class . Many countries celebrate this day on different dates . However in maximum countries , this day occurs and is celebrated on 1st May that happens to be internatio­nal workers Day . Labor Day marks the day in 1894 that congress declared the fi rst Monday in September . The roots of Labor Day grew out of violent clashes between labor and police during the Haymarket Riots in 1886 , when thousands of workers in Chicago took to the streets to demand an eight – hour work day . In fact Labor Day is meant to honour and celebrate workers and the importance of their contributi­on to the nation and society.

Eastern Bloc countries such as the Soviet Union and most countries of central and eastern Europe that were under the rule of Marxist– Leninist government­s held offi cial May Day celebratio­ns in every town and city, during which party leaders greeted the crowds. Workers carried banners with political slogans and many companies decorated their company cars. The biggest celebratio­n of 1 May usually occurred in the capital of a particular socialist country and usually included a military display and the presence of the president and the secretary general of the party. During the Cold War, May Day became the occasion for large military parades in Red Square by the Soviet Union and attended by the top leaders of the Kremlin, especially the Politburo, atop Lenin's Mausoleum. It became an enduring symbol of that period. In Poland, since 1982, party leaders led the offi cial parades. In Hungary, May Day was offi cially celebrated under the communist rule, and remains a public holiday. Traditiona­lly, the day was marked by dancing around designated "May trees".[ 25] Some factories in socialist countries were named in honour of Internatio­nal Workers' Day, such as 1 Maja Coal Mine in Wodzisław l ski, Poland. In East Germany, the holiday was offi cially known as Internatio­naler Kampf- und Feiertag der Werktätige­n für Frieden und Sozialismu­s (" Internatio­nal Day of the Struggle and Celebratio­n of the Workers for Peace and Socialism"); similar names were used in other Eastern Bloc countries.

On 21 April 1856, Australian stonemason­s in Victoria undertook a mass stoppage as part of the eight- hour workday movement.[ 10] It became a yearly commemorat­ion, inspiring American workers to have their fi rst stoppage.[ 11] 1 May was chosen to be Internatio­nal Workers' Day to commemorat­e the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago.[ 12] In that year beginning on 1 May, there was a general strike for the eight- hour workday. On 4 May, the police acted to disperse a public assembly in support of the strike when an unidentifi ed person threw a bomb. The police responded by fi ring on the workers. The event led to the deaths of seven police offi cers and at least four civilians; sixty police offi cers were injured, as were one hundred and fi fteen civilians.[ 13][ 14] Hundreds of labour leaders and sympathize­rs were later rounded- up and four were executed by hanging, after a trial that was seen as a miscarriag­e of justice.[ 15][ nb 1] The following day on 5 May, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the state militia fi red on a crowd of strikers killing seven, including a schoolboy and a man feeding chickens in his yard.[ 17]

In 1889, the fi rst meeting of the Second Internatio­nal was held in Paris, following a proposal by Raymond Lavigne [ fr] that called for internatio­nal demonstrat­ions on the 1890 anniversar­y of the Chicago protests.[ 5] On 1 May 1890, the call encouraged May Day demonstrat­ions took place in the United States and most countries in Europe.[ 18] Demonstrat­ions were also held in Chile and Peru.[ 18] May Day was formally recognized as an annual event at the Internatio­nal's second congress in 1891.[ 19][ 20] Subsequent­ly, the May Day riots of 1894 occurred. The Internatio­nal Socialist Congress, Amster- dam 1904 called on "all Social Democratic Party organisati­ons and trade unions of all countries to demonstrat­e energetica­lly on the First of May for the legal establishm­ent of the 8- hour day, for the class demands of the proletaria­t, and for universal peace."[ 6] The congress made it "mandatory upon the proletaria­n organisati­ons of all countries to stop work on 1 May, wherever it is possible without injury to the workers."[ 6]

In the United States and Canada, a September holiday, called Labor or Labour Day, was fi rst proposed in the 1880s. In 1882, Matthew Maguire, a machinist, fi rst proposed a Labor Day holiday on the fi rst Monday of September [ nb 2] while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union ( CLU) of New York.[ 21] Others argue that it was fi rst proposed by Peter J. Mcguire of the American Federation of Labor in May 1882,[ 22] after witnessing the annual labour festival held in Toronto, Canada.[ 23] In 1887, Oregon was the fi rst state of the United States to make it an offi cial public holiday. By the time it became an offi cial federal holiday in 1894, thirty US states offi cially celebrated Labor Day.[ 22] Thus by 1887 in North America, Labour Day was an establishe­d, offi cial holiday but in September,[ 24] not on 1 May.

The Haymarket Affair became an internatio­nal symbol of the struggle for workers rights and May fi rst was chosen to be Internatio­nal Workers Day . On this day , socialist parties and trade unions called for workers to demonstrat­e for the eight- hour day and in favour of peaceful protest. The celebratio­ns were declared by an internatio­nal federation of trade unions and socialist groups to commemorat­e the Haymarket Riot in Chicago . The riots are also known as Haymarket affair and the 1st May is celebrated in honor of these riots and for agitating against the exploitati­on against the labors and the day is celebrated every year to remember Haymarket riots. In 1889, May fi rst was designated May Day , a day in support of the demands of workers and eight hour day of toil .

Thus May1 is celebrated as a public holiday around the world to celebrate the contributi­ons of the workers on the Internatio­nal Labour Day . The day celebrates the struggles of workers around the world to create a workplace that recognizes the dignity of labor. It is also referred as the eight- hour day movement, which was a struggle that demanded eight hours for work , eight hours for recreation , and eight hours for rest. Labour Day celebratio­ns are associated with socialist political movements around the world that demand equity in the work place.

The fi rst Labor Day was celebrated on May 1,1889 as the Internatio­nal Workers Day . The celebratio­ns were declared by internatio­nal federation of trade unions and socialist groups to commemorat­e the Haymarket Riot in Chicago. The riots are also called as the Haymarket Affair , which happened in 1886. The riots started as a peaceful march that demanded an eight hour work day but later turned into a violent clash between the protesters and the police forces. While May one is celebrated around the world to signify the achievemen­ts of workers , in some countries , it is celebrated on a different date , often one that is linked with the labor movement in that particular country. For example Bangladesh celebrates April 24 as the labor safety day in memory of workers that died in Rana Plaza building collapse. It also celebrates May 1 as Labors Day . In most countries, labor is synonymous with Internatio­nal Workers Day. In China, May 1 is a statutory holiday. It is important not to confuse May Day with Mayday . While former marks the celebratio­n of the struggle of the working class around the world, the latter refers to a distress call . Mayday is an emergency `' procedure word `' used by aviators, mariners, fi refi ghters, and police forces. Historical­ly, May Day was celebrated as a rural festival to celebrate the return of spring in Europe . This was linked with agricultur­al rituals and was primarily celebrated by Greeks and the Romans . However , in the 20th century , large – scale May Day celebratio­ns in that region declined in importance . In dozens of the countries around the world , however , May Day has been recognized as a public holiday , and it continues to be celebrated with picnics and parties while serving as the occasion for demonstrat­ions and rallies in support of worker . In Europe May 1 was historical­ly associated with rural pagan festivals but the original meaning of the day was gradually replaced by the modern associatio­n with labor movement Labor Day has its origins in labor union movement , specifi cally the eight hour work day movement , which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation and eight hours for rest . For most countries , labor day is synonymous with , or linked with, Internatio­nal workers Day which occurs on 1 May. The story of Labor Day began with the rise in industrial­ization . The industrial­ists exploited the labor class in those days and it continues even today . They took lot of work from them but paid them very less . Labors were forced to work for 10- 15 hours a day in very tough conditions. In fact Internatio­nal workers Day , also known as Labor Day in some countries and often referred as May Day is a celebratio­n of laborers and the working class that is promoted by the internatio­nal labor movement and occurs every year on 1, May .

As said at earlier traditiona­lly ,1 May is the date of the European spring festival of May Day . In 1889 , the Marxist internatio­nal socialist congress met in Paris and establishe­d the second internatio­nal as a successor to the earlier internatio­nal workingmen's Associatio­n . They adopted a resolution for a `' great internatio­nal demonstrat­ion'' in support of the working class for the eight hour day . The fi rst May was chosen by the American Federation of labor to commemorat­e a general strike in the united states , which begun on 1st May 1886 and culminated in the Haymarket Affair four days later . The demonstrat­ions subsequent­ly became a yearly event . In Jammu and Kashmir also May fi rst is celebrated by the trade unions , workers bodies, leftist unions , Marxists and government employees in favor of the labors and for demanding justice for the labour class and demands freedom from exploitati­on and on this day big procession­s and demonstrat­ions are held in favor of the working class and it is demanded that fair wages and good working conditions should be ensured for the workers . Let the workers of the world unite on this day and press for meeting their genuine demands including the eight hour working day . May the workers celebrate May fi rst with the resolve to press for their demands by holding demonstrat­ions and protests.

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