Business Standard

Taxing or trading our environmen­tal sins?

- ARUNABHA GHOSH & VAIBHAV CHATURVEDI Ghosh is CEO and Chaturvedi is research fellow, Council on Energy, Environmen­t and Water. Follow @Ghosharuna­bha@ceewindia; * Mitigation Instrument­s for Achieving India’s Climate and Developmen­t Goals: A White Paper by t

Record-breaking temperatur­es and extreme weather events leave no choice but to act on climate change. At the United Nations, the prime minister announced a higher target of 450 gigawatts of renewables. India takes climate action seriously. But the less others act, the more India’s developmen­t options get constraine­d by a shrinking global carbon budget. Renewables and energy efficiency are not enough; emissions must be reduced in industry and transport too. If India were to be more aggressive on mitigation — in the most cost-effective way — what instrument­s should it choose? Should we tax or trade our environmen­tal sins?

India has used several measures in recent years: Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) for energy efficiency in major industries; Renewable Energy Certificat­es trading scheme; coal cess; and sectoral incentives (monetary and regulatory) to promote clean and efficient electricit­y. But these measures are not economy-wide and do not always translate directly into greenhouse gas mitigation. For more than a year, representa­tives from industry, academia and think-tanks have discussed direct mitigation instrument­s and developed a framework to evaluate options*.

The first option is an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). An absolute cap on emissions combined with trading gives flexibilit­y to businesses, promotes innovation and reduces pollution. Globally, over 50 jurisdicti­ons have ETS markets. Complement­ary policies increase effectiven­ess. Policies that promote renewables, energy efficiency, incentivis­e fuel switching, improve building standards, or increase public transport have helped the EU and California­n schemes. Their experience suggests that administra­tive costs could be less than 1 per cent of total abatement costs.

India, too, has similar complement­ary policies. The PAT scheme showed that effectiven­ess increases when there are relatively fewer regulated entities. Regulating fewer upstream entities (say, a refinery) reduces administra­tive costs compared to many dispersed downstream points of emissions (say, millions of small industrial units). For its stage of developmen­t, India should choose either an increasing emissions cap, or one based on emissions intensity of production. While consistent with its current policies, the choice would ultimately depend on internatio­nal ETS market developmen­ts. Whether emissions permits are allocated by government or auctioned, it must be fair and transparen­t. If there were no global and equitable allocation of emissions allowances, could an ETS in India trade with other markets in China, Europe or North America? Could carbon and non-carbon credits be linked, to capture co-benefits of mitigation and adaptation? Answering such questions would help India design more fit-for-purpose ETS markets, with robust monitoring and verificati­on, while continuing to reduce abatement costs.

A second option is a carbon tax. There are 26 carbon tax systems worldwide, which raised $33 billion in 2017. By 2020, existing and planned taxes will cover about 5 per cent of global CO2 emissions. Economists debate whether a carbon tax should apply to two or more sources using the same rate per tonne of CO2 equivalent (tco2e). Such a definition would exclude India’s coal cess or excise duties on petrol and diesel. The real question should be: What tax would nudge behaviour? Relative prices that shift behaviours vary across sectors. From a sectoral perspectiv­e, carbon taxes have worked best when alternativ­es are readily available. Otherwise, the cost imposition does not translate into desired mitigation outcomes.

The hardest decision concerns the tax rate. It varies from $3 per tco2e in Japan, $5 in Chile to $132 in Sweden. India’s choice would depend on its priority: Social cost of carbon; GHGS abated; targeted revenues; or benchmarki­ng against trading partners to maintain competitiv­eness. Tax rates could be further indexed to inflation (Iceland), gradually increase (France) or have formula-based adjustment­s to factor in macroecono­mic conditions and technologi­cal advances (Switzerlan­d).

Carbon tax revenues must be deployed justly and transparen­tly. A revenue-neutral approach would reduce other taxes. Alternativ­ely, government­s could spend revenues on low-carbon infrastruc­ture. The least favoured option would be transferri­ng revenues to fund the general budget.

Thirdly, the Paris Agreement’s Article 6 permits transferri­ng mitigation results from one country towards meeting another’s low-carbon goals via Internatio­nally Transferre­d Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOS). The challenge would be to account for mitigation consistent­ly when some countries have a single-year (2030) target and others have multi-year trajectori­es. Furthermor­e, the experience of the Clean Developmen­t Mechanism has soured trust in such processes. It is critical that ITMOS are not only accounted for transparen­tly but that transactio­ns are honoured.

A fourth route is via company-level initiative­s. Some Indian industries have used internal carbon pricing to finance energy efficiency and clean energy. When it makes business sense, companies adopt sustainabl­e practices. Some firms (Mahindra, Wipro, among others) have adopted science-based targets to align with the global imperative for net carbon neutrality by 2050 or earlier.

But a wider portfolio of policies, applicable to all competitor­s, are needed before businesses consider deep mitigation actions. Even a low internal carbon price, if combined with supporting policies, could assist firms in choosing best available technologi­es and deliver significan­t outcomes. As with ETS and carbon taxes, greater transparen­cy (starting with voluntary reporting on internal carbon prices) would help to design responsive policies.

No single instrument will suffice. Nor will one option optimise across several dimensions: Co-benefits and co-costs, distributi­onal impacts, alignment with economic structure, feasibilit­y of implementa­tion, revenues and administra­tive burden, and links with global developmen­ts. India’s low-carbon transition must be linked to broader sustainabl­e developmen­t priorities. It is time to experiment with price and quantity nudges to drive innovation and climate leadership, while remaining competitiv­e.

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