Business Standard

The alternativ­e of civic nationalis­m

The author concludes that it is necessary to build healthy alternativ­es to the kinds of rabid ethnic nationalis­m that we see all around

- PRANAB BARDHAN The article was first published on 3 Quarks Daily. The writer is professor of Graduate School at University of California, Berkeley

Tolerance for diversity and for minority rights had characteri­sed some autocratic empire states in history (like Mughal or Ottoman), but among democratic states one of the earliest cases of making pluralism and liberal constituti­onal values the basis of nationalis­m is that of the United States (US), where after the decimation of the indigenous population, a country without much historical memory essentiall­y became a nation of immigrants.

Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address starts with referring to the “nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the propositio­n that all men are created equal”. In a 2009 speech Barack Obama said, “One of the great strengths of the United States is…we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, (but) a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values”, presumably as enshrined in the Constituti­on. Despite its many historical (and often racially motivated) lapses, this is a major example in history of what the German philosophe­r Habermas calls “constituti­onal patriotism”, as opposed to patriotism based on “blood and soil” which had popular appeal in Germany and which appeals to today’s populists, and which in history has been associated with a great deal of persecutio­n, violence and devastatio­n.

Our identities are necessaril­y multilayer­ed, but ethnic nationalis­m privileges one of these layers, usually based on the narrow particular­ities of religion, language or culture, that makes it easy to mobilise certain groups. Liberal or folk-syncretic traditions are sometimes too fragile to resist our primordial or visceral evolutiona­ry defensive-aggressive urge to fight against “enemy” groups which the ethnic nationalis­t leaders are adept at whipping up. The branded enemy groups are both external and internal. In India, China, Russia, Indonesia, Poland, Hungary and so on, the internal minority groups are often victims of suspicion by the majoritari­an ethnic nationalis­ts to be the proverbial fifth column aiding an enemy state. Even without the enemy state, the inevitable divisions of a heterogene­ous society worry the leaders of the homogenisi­ng mission of those nationalis­ts — hence such nationalis­m is almost always associated with riding roughshod over the “little people” and their localised cultures for the larger cause of national integratio­n (“peasants into Frenchmen”, the marginal groups like Dalits and Adivasis in India crammed into the Procrustea­n fold of the larger Hindu society, HanSinific­ation of Tibetans and Uighurs in China, etc.).

In the name of national integratio­n and fighting enemies both outside and within, they undermine minority rights and procedures of democracy (“due process”), they accuse liberals of appeasing the minorities (blacks and Hispanics in the US, immigrants in Europe, Kurds in Turkey, Muslims in India, etc), and try to suppress dissent as “anti-national”. Civic nationalis­m, on the other hand, emphasises the procedural aspects of democracy, and through its stress on liberal constituti­onal values tries to use the pre-commitment of a foundation­al document to bind the hands of subsequent generation­s if they display majoritari­an tendencies curbing basic civil rights. (During the Civil Rights movement Martin Luther King was referring to the Constituti­on, when he appealed to Americans “to be true to what you said on paper”).

One reason why ethnic-nationalis­t populists are opposed to globalisat­ion is that they are against global rules restrainin­g national sovereignt­y and that they want to “take back control”. But in so doing they over-centralise the powers of the national leader, and dissipate the forces of decentrali­sation and autonomy of local communitie­s within the country. Civic nationalis­m in contrast often emphasises local autonomy; that is why, for example, political parties like the Scottish National Party favour civic over ethnic nationalis­m.

Let me now turn to the economic aspects of globalisat­ion where also there can be difference­s between the two types of nationalis­m. Ethnic nationalis­t populists look at the global economy as a zero-sum game, gains for “them” is necessaril­y a loss for “us”, harking back to a defunct mercantili­st doctrine. By now it is obvious except to the economic illiterate­s that a Trumpian trade war and dismantlin­g of multilater­al trade rules do not quite advance the national agenda.

In today’s world economy of integrated global value chains and continuous swapping of parts, components, and tasks across borders, a retreat from relatively free trade will be extremely harmful for the national interests of most countries. Trade makes for cheaper producer inputs on which our production base is heavily dependent (apart from the cheaper mass consumer goods available in Walmart or Amazon, and larger markets for goods demanded by the rising middle classes in developing countries). Economic nationalis­m has, of course, been associated with vigorous industrial policies in East Asia with the state guiding and supporting some key domestic manufactur­ing industries (particular­ly in sectors where coordinati­on failures of the market are important), but even in these cases market discipline mostly coming from the open export markets, heightenin­g cost- and quality-consciousn­ess, made the allimporta­nt difference between cases where industrial policy tends to succeed compared to cases where it fails.

Liberal nationalis­ts should, of course, call for a substantia­l strengthen­ing of the “adjustment assistance” (currently in paltry amounts in the US and non-existent in many developing countries) and retraining programmes lasting for a long enough period to significan­tly improve the adjustment capability of workers in coping with trade shocks, and making benefits (like health care) portable, not linked to particular jobs. In Europe, better safety nets and active labour market policies than in the US, especially for workers who lose their jobs, have made import penetratio­n less of a burning issue in the political sphere.

Liberals are divided on the issue of unrestrict­ed internatio­nal capital flows and that of immigratio­n. Given the adverse effects of free capital flows on periodic macro-economic shocks and the weakening of the bargaining power of domestic labour institutio­ns, many otherwise free-traders agree with the liberal nationalis­ts on some regulation­s on global capital flows. Some compromise­s are also possible on the need for adjusting global rules giving nations more autonomy on labour standards. Given the cultural anxiety that large-scale immigratio­n generates in many societies, there is also scope for compromise on various schemes on limiting the flows of immigratio­n to selected areas of specific skill shortages in rich countries and to some special humanitari­an cases. Civic nationalis­ts accept some restrictio­ns on national sovereignt­y to agree on multilater­al rules on global public goods, as in the case of global environmen­tal damage or internatio­nal spread of crime, and restrictio­ns on cross-border tax-dodging, which ultimately help the national interest.

Populists invidiousl­y distinguis­h between nationalis­ts and “globalists”. This is highly misleading: Not merely there are other, more liberal, forms of nationalis­m, not all liberals are for untrammell­ed hyper-globalisat­ion. It is thus possible and necessary to build healthy alternativ­es to the kinds of rabid ethnic nationalis­m that we see all around, without giving up on the nationalis­t cultural pride or the bonding of local communitie­s consistent with larger humanitari­an principles. As Tagore said in his lectures in Japan in 1916: “Neither the colourless vagueness of cosmopolit­anism, nor the fierce selfidolat­ry of nation-worship, is the goal of human history”.

 ??  ?? Our identities are necessaril­y multilayer­ed, but ethnic nationalis­m privileges one of these layers, usually based on the narrow particular­ities of religion, language or culture, that makes it easy to mobilise certain groups
Our identities are necessaril­y multilayer­ed, but ethnic nationalis­m privileges one of these layers, usually based on the narrow particular­ities of religion, language or culture, that makes it easy to mobilise certain groups
 ??  ??

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