Business Standard

Minimum economic security is not unaffordab­le

In the concluding part, the author lays down the fiscal arithmetic for an illustrati­ve UBI supplement in India

- PRANAB BARDHAN (Concluded) The article was first published on 3 Quarks Daily. The writer is professor of Graduate School at University of California, Berkeley

Ishall now present, as an example, some rough estimates that I myself have made over the years for a low middle-income country, India. I first look at the mobilisabl­e fiscal resources in India, and then discuss how much of these can go toward funding a universal basic income (UBI) supplement.

For many decades both central and state government­s in India have been providing substantia­l subsidies to different sections of the population. Some of these subsidies like those for food, education, health, water supply, sanitation, housing and urban developmen­t serve essential needs, often (though not always) for the common people, and so are deemed “merit subsidies”. But a majority of the subsidies happen to be for other purposes, primarily going to the better-off sections of the population, and have been called “non-merit subsidies”. It has been estimated that the total “non-merit” subsidies (both explicit and implicit) of the central and state government­s together came to about 5.7 per cent of GDP in 2015-16.

On top of this in the central Budget alone what are called revenues foregone (tax exemptions and concession­s mainly to business) come to about 5 per cent of GDP. Some of these concession­s may be indispensa­ble (for example, in the case of customs duty exemptions for reexports), some others may be less so (for example, tax exemptions for encouragin­g investment in special economic zones are on the sometimes dubious presumptio­n that without these exemptions this investment would not have taken place elsewhere anyway). It is probably not too unreasonab­le to take one-half of this total (that is, 2.5 per cent of GDP) as potentiall­y available for more worthwhile purposes. Also, this does not count the revenues foregone in state government Budgets, for which we do not have good estimates.

There is also considerab­le scope for fresh taxes. The tax- GDP ratio in India is substantia­lly lower than in China, Brazil and some other developing countries. India’s real estate and property tax assessment­s are absurdly low compared to their market value. India has also zero taxation of wealth and inheritanc­e, and of agricultur­al income. This is at a time when household survey data (which usually underestim­ate inequality) suggest that India’s wealth inequality is mounting, and now in the Latin

American range. We are roughly estimating 1.8 per cent of GDP in the form of additional taxation.

All combined, there is a potential for mobilising about 10 per cent of GDP. Of course there are several important claims on any extra resources mobilised. In particular, the needs for additional spending on health, education, and infrastruc­ture are urgent. Even keeping this in mind and allowing for an equal division of the extra 10 per cent of GDP thus mobilised on these three items plus UBI, it is possible to get resources for UBI to about 2.5 per cent of GDP. This roughly implies a UBI of about ~20,000 per family (or ~4,000 per individual), which is a decent UBI supplement in the Indian context — it comes to about 15 per cent of the average consumer expenditur­e in the household. (One could add to the mobilisabl­e potential if in the post-pandemic context it is possible to raise a “corona levy” that may go toward an overhaul of the public health system which has been found to be seriously deficient in the crisis).

3. and 4. The above fiscal scheme keeps untouched the existing welfare programmes. (Some of these programmes may be wasteful, and if they are pruned or replaced, the resource potential can even exceed 10 per cent of GDP). So the opposition (3) then becomes largely irrelevant. Similarly, in the above scheme, the total 10 per cent of GDP gets equally allocated among health, education, infrastruc­ture and

UBI, so that should go some way in meeting opposition (4). If the social consensus is in favour of spending somewhat more in effective investment for health, education or infrastruc­ture, and somewhat less for UBI, I’ll seriously not object.

Some implementa­tion issues

Politicall­y savvy people will immediatel­y point out that eliminatio­n of long-standing subsidies and imposition of new taxes will meet a lot of resistance from many quarters, and will be politicall­y difficult to carry out. While that is true, a crisis situation sometimes may soften up the resistance somewhat, and may thus be an opportune time to try big changes. If for some time the whole of the 10 per cent of GDP is difficult to mobilise, even with half the amount one can start a UBI supplement only for the women.

There are, of course, many other objections raised to the UBI proposal — about the level of UBI supplement , if it should be indexed to the cost of living so that it does not get eroded as prices rise, that many people do not have ready access to a bank account where the UBI supplement can be easily deposited, etc. These are mostly problems at the implementa­tion stage; once the idea of UBI is accepted at the conceptual and at the broad policy direction level, there can be pragmatic and flexible ways of handling the implementa­tion problems. For example, some have suggested that the UBI should be a share of the GDP, rather than an absolute amount. Then even starting with a low absolute amount, with sufficient GDP growth one can soon reach a decent amount of UBI. This also gets around the indexation issue, as the absolute amount of UBI will rise with price rises raising the nominal GDP. There are problems with this as GDP may fluctuate and its measuremen­t may be manipulate­d.

People not having bank accounts is a serious problem in many countries. The general estimate is that two-thirds of people in low-income countries, and 42 per cent in lower middle-income countries, do not have access to a bank account. One has to make do with other alternativ­e ways of cash payments in unbanked and remote-access areas — roving banking agents or mobile phone banking have been used in some countries. So clearly at the implementa­tion level different developing countries will be at different stages of preparatio­n for the implementa­tion of an UBI.

Over the last decade and a half the world has been subject to many traumatic events — the financial crisis, stringent austerity policies, deep slump in many economies, large-scale job losses, technologi­cal disruption­s, creeping authoritar­ianism and ethno-nationalis­t excesses, increasing incidence of natural disasters, agro-ecological distress, mass dislocatio­ns, and a whole sequence of epidemics, the coronaviru­s being the latest. These have dangerousl­y exposed the fragility and insecurity of the lives and livelihood­s of billions of ordinary people. This has been particular­ly acute in developing countries, where numerous people live a hand-to-mouth existence even in the best of times, with very little in the form of social insurance. A universal basic income supplement can provide some minimum economic security in those countries, which even under the pressing fiscal constraint­s may not be unaffordab­le.

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