Business Standard

Proper monetisati­on of assets can wipe off Budget deficits

- SHUBHASHIS GANGOPADHY­AY The author is Research Director, IDF and Dean, ISPP

If I was editing the Budget speech, I would make the third pillar — Inclusive Developmen­t for Aspiration­al India — the objective. I would have four pillars supporting this objective: health, infrastruc­ture, human capital and an ecosystem for free enterprise. The last pillar is not simply ease of doing business but includes ease of entry into, and exit from, business. Observe that I have left out two of the pillars stated by the Finance Minister — dealing with innovation and the one on maximum governance and minimum government.

Indian business incumbents were highly protected all the way till 1991. There were problems regarding entry into business prior to 1991, but once they entered, they were totally protected from both national and internatio­nal competitio­n. India’s experience in innovation and R&D during the first four decades of Independen­ce has been non-existent.

Businesses do R&D to ward off threat from competitor­s. Potential entrants are, often, the more serious competitor­s and largely responsibl­e for new value generation. The innovation­s we are looking for will come from new businesses and, hence, the focus should be on start-ups. The Budget correctly mentions start-ups, but this should come within the ambit of human capital operating within an ecosystem that encourages entreprene­urship. Viewed under this lens, encouragin­g start-ups is the same as freedom of entry into business.

As for minimum government and maximum governance, it is a slogan we could do without. India has one of the smallest government­s in the world if we count the number of government personnel in healthcare, law and order and in other areas of governance. Instead, we have a government that employs 1.5 million people in the Railways and countless more in sectors where the government shouldn’t be. Optimising government is a better slogan.

The focus on health and human capital are, obviously, two great positives in the Budget. An increase of 137 per cent in the health Budget for this year, though on a small base, is commendabl­e. Hopefully, it signals a break from the usual incrementa­l approach to public health expenditur­e and is not simply a reaction to Covid-19.

India’s healthcare sector is woefully underdevel­oped, provides a public good and could provide large amounts of employment over a wide spectrum of skills. It will take many years to build it up to the level required and a one-year expenditur­e splurge will not be enough.

Refreshing­ly, both in healthcare and infrastruc­ture, the Finance Minister has talked about a plan that stretches well beyond a year. Along with education, these form the foundation for an economical­ly active, inclusive society. However, most wellmeanin­g government policies do not reach their goals because of faulty implementa­tion. I sincerely hope that the administra­tive wings of the government will work out the right mechanisms to ensure the best use of the monies being allocated to laying a solid foundation.

But, perhaps the most exciting thing for me is the proposal to monetise the unused, or underutili­sed, assets with the government and its various public sector units and department­s. Close to 10 years ago, I had co-authored a study on the extent of assets, like land, with the government. The amounts were not only staggering­ly large; being in prime areas, they often hindered industrial­isation, urbanisati­on and overall developmen­t. Properly monetised, they can wipe off Budget deficits for many years.

The one area I am a bit worried about is the raising of customs duties. Make in India makes sense only if it helps the citizens of India. Protecting businesses from foreign competitio­n harms the consumers and lowers exports, and helps inefficien­t businesses to keep raking in profits. Unless, of course, the government has specific other plans to hold the “Make in India” businesses accountabl­e to the consumers.


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