BusinessLine (Kolkata)

Timing of Fed rate cut

- Srinivasan Velamur M Jeyaram

This refers to ‘Are we heading towards higher inflation globally?’(March 28). The current dilemma faced by the US Federal Reserve appears to stem from a lack of coordinati­on between fiscal and monetary policies. This discord has compelled the Fed to determine the timing of rate cuts independen­tly. Among the four influencin­g factors indicated, global developmen­ts stand out due to their significan­t impact on inflation, necessitat­ing robust fiscal measures for containmen­t. Regrettabl­y, these global dynamics are heavily influenced by political factors such as tariff escalation­s, sanctions, and policy stances towards China. These political undercurre­nts are likely to persist, leaving the Fed with limited immediate option.

The concern arises whether the US will once again lag behind in adjusting interest rates, reminiscen­t of the postCovid pandemic scenario. It’s time for the US Fed to take a call on whether inflation is transitory or entrenched in real time.

Chennai capacity of the economy to generate more productive forms of employment remain. While reaping the demographi­c dividend would require more productive forms of employment for the country’s youth, there are numerous challenges as the production process has become more capitalint­ensive and laboursavi­ng. Given that the issue of job creation has been central to India’s developmen­t project, it is time we adopted a multiprong­ed strategy, from ensuring quality education and skills to facilitati­ng largescale labourinte­nsive manufactur­ing to absorb the millions of low and semiskille­d workers.

Sholavanda­n, TN

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