Cosmopolitan (India)

The Cosmo Quiz


1. I own ____ 40 pairs of shoes.

2. What do you wear when you’re lounging around the house? Nothing! ________________ Hahah! Mostly _______________ boy shorts.

3. If I weren’t an actress, I’d be creating ________________ an organic _____________ skincare range.

4. If you had to change your name to something whimsical, it would be... _____________________ Sky, or Eden, or Delilah. 5. Eyeshadow or lipstick? ________________ Lipstick, any day!

6. I think __________ BBM (!!!) is totally overrated.

7. My secret skill is

Making ______________________ balloon animals! 8. My comfort food is... ___________________ Cheese! especially. Camembert, __________

9. I’m totally addicted Jacqueline to... in a ballet _____________________ My Lisa flats! Loves Gaurav Sher Gupta Singh sari


10. Ice cream or frozen yogurt? _______ Frozen ________________________ Yogurt—I prefer sour, cold _______ things...

11. In my bag, you’d be surprised to find... __________________________ Nude coloured G-strings! __________________________ I always carry two options _________ for shoots.

12. With my first pay cheque I bought... A ______________________ decent meal! And then _____________________ I bought a pair of Gucci ____________________ shoes that I still have .

13. I’m totally afraid of... _______________ Clowns and needles.

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