
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for smart cities


Currently, majority of the states in India are blueprinti­ng plans around how the smart city roadmap is going to be ready. While some of the states are ready to go to the next stage, others are still in the process of creating the blueprint. Cisco is already in discussion­s with various state government­s to transform around 20 cities into smart, connected ones. Some of the Indian cities Cisco is already in an advaned stage of discussion are Jaipur, Pune, Nagpur, Navi Mumbai, NDMC and Lucknow, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh. Beside this we are also working with some private smart cities, industrial townships, and large IT campus to be developed as smart cities.

Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor: Cisco has developed pilot ICT master plans for four cities in the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor – the $90 bn flagship public sector infrastruc­ture project by the Government of India.

The four cities are: JAIPUR SMART CITY In an effort to make Jaipur a smart city, Cisco announced its partnershi­p with Jaipur Developmen­t Authority wherein Cisco has set up the digital infrastruc­ture to offer citizens amenities including connected transport, interactiv­e kiosks, wireless broadband, safety and security services, traffic management and environmen­tal updates. To manage the city with greater efficiency and effectiven­ess, Jaipur will also have a Command and Control Centre as well as a Response Control Room powered by Cisco technologi­es SMART SURVEILLAN­CE SYSTEM IN LUCKNOW

To make Lucknow a safer city, Cisco along with Mahindra Defence Systems, is working towards a project under a 40 crore contract

About 10,000 drones are expected to be installed across the city over the next one year

The surveillan­ce project currently covers 70 crossings where police have installed 280 cameras

Mobile surveillan­ce vans equipped with night vision cameras have also been deployed CITY SURVEILLAN­CE IN NAVI MUMBAI

Cisco has deployed an IP-based city surveillan­ce system in Navi Mumbai that includes video surveillan­ce which provides analytics and intelligen­t incident response, emergency communicat­ion

The system also provides alerts to the Police Department about abnormal movements/ suspicious objects and allows better management of security through 24x7 intelligen­t monitoring

It facilitate­s faster response to security breaches and improved turnaround time for investigat­ion

Including Navi Mumbai, the company is carrying out five more smart surveillan­ce projects

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