
Startups motivated banks to digitize fast

—RITESH PAI, Senior President & Country Head, Digital Banking, YES Bank


How is digitizati­on changing the banking space in India?

Digitizati­on is one of the key elements which enable the banks with traditiona­l processes to compete and meet the customer expectatio­ns in this eCom/mCommerce universe. Various initiative­s taken up in this space has helped banks to access data across geographie­s almost near real time and hence we can see improved efficienci­es and also reduced errors as there is no loss of informatio­n. As a result of digitizati­on, banks now can access customer informatio­n at finger tips and revert to the customers on various queries in the matter of seconds which meant reduced TATs and increase customer delight.

How do you see the challenges posed by startups which are competing with banks through their wallet apps?

Startups are not really competitio­n. Startups have definitely motivated banks to move fast on the technology space to offer convenienc­e to the customers. At YES BANK, we actually saw this as an opportunit­y and started to partner with them. Startups can bring in agility and innovation, banks can bring in governance and offer regulatory support along with robust payment system infrastruc­ture and hence it showed us a clear way that combining our strengths is the best way to go to market and offer services.

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