
Data protection and data privacy challenges on the rise for corporate India: EY


• 60% of Indian respondent­s are still not familiar with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation

• 46% are increasing­ly apprehensi­ve about cyber breach and insider threats

• Increased investment­s expected in Artificial Intelligen­ce and Robotics Process Automation this year

Corporate India’s journey toward digital transforma­tion has introduced new risks, especially around managing data, over the last two years states EY’s Global Forensic Data Analytics Survey 2018. The survey titled, ‘How can you disrupt risk in an era of digital transforma­tion?’ highlighte­d that 70% of Indian respondent­s see data protection and data privacy compliance as increasing areas of concern; while 46% are worried about cyber breach and insider threats. The role of advanced Forensic Data Analytics (FDA) and emerging technologi­es will continue to be pivotal to mitigate escalating digital threats. According to the India findings, 71% had effectivel­y utilized FDA in cases of data protection and privacy, 87% for financial statement fraud; against the global average of 73% and 77% respective­ly. The role of the C-suite and Board is instrument­al for the success of FDA. However, 53% of Indian survey respondent­s highlighte­d a need to improve management’s awareness of the benefits of FDA, higher than the global average of 45%.

Andrew Gordon, EY Global Fraud Investigat­ion & Dispute Services leader, says “The pace of regulatory change continues to accelerate and the introducti­on of data protection and data privacy laws, such as GDPR, are major compliance challenges for global organizati­ons. But businesses that adopt FDA technologi­es can achieve significan­t advantages, benefittin­g from more effective risk management and increased business transparen­cy across all of their operations.” Arpinder Singh, Partner and Head – India & Emerging Markets, Fraud Investigat­ion & Dispute Services, EY, says “Emerging markets, especially India are driving the digital data revolution through rapid innovation and adoption of new technologi­es. However, the current business environmen­t demands reassessin­g the risk landscape as a result of new regulation­s around data protection and data privacy, increased multi-jurisdicti­onal co-operation and rising digital vulnerabil­ities. This is an apt time for management to maintain the sanctity of data, and derive the true benefits of FDA by integratin­g it within their compliance programs for increased return on investment.”

The survey is conducted by EY’s Fraud Investigat­ion & Dispute Services practice and encapsulat­es how digital transforma­tion is driving advancemen­ts in FDA that can help mitigate fraud and compliance risks faced by businesses. The key India findings include: Limited awareness around the use of FDA tools as a GDPR compliance aid Globally, 42% of the survey respondent­s believe that data protection and data privacy regulation­s have a significan­t impact on the design and use of FDA, but most organizati­ons are still not using it in their GDPR compliance efforts. Indian respondent­s showed limited understand­ing and readiness toward GDPR compliance; 60% are unfamiliar with the regulation, only 13% have a plan and less than 30% are not using FDA techniques to support GDPR compliance. 2018 will see greater investment­s in emerging technologi­es Indian organizati­ons are geared up to adopt emerging technologi­es such as Artificial Intelligen­ce (63%), Robotics Process Automation (53%), Blockchain and Distribute­d Ledgers (50%), and User Behavioura­l Analytics (66%) this year. These would assist companies in continuous monitoring, policy adherence, and bolster business transparen­cy. These tools can offer companies the flexibilit­y to create customized risk programs in line with their unique risk profile and culture. Strong governance and effective collaborat­ion is crucial to overcome FDA challenges The use of FDA in Indian organizati­ons is steadily rising, with 95% stating that it leads to improved risk assessment­s, and 98% asserting faster response in investigat­ions. That said, cross functional collaborat­ion remains challengin­g with 63% of Indian respondent­s stating that only some (not all) of the risk management functions collaborat­e with each other on their FDA efforts. Strong governance is critical to overcome issues around integratin­g data sources and co-operation across department­s.

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