Deccan Chronicle

Increase intake of water to prevent dehydratio­n


The rising temperatur­es have led to several cases of dehydratio­n in city clinics. The most common cause is lack of sufficient intake of water, loss of body fluids due to severe heat, or heat stroke. The cases of heat stroke are witnessed with rise in temperatur­e this summer, giving people who work in the scotching hours a tough time.

The rise of extreme temperatur­es, above 45 C, leads to a rise in the body temperatur­e, whereby there is excessive sweating and loss of body fluids. This makes it even more important to increase intake of fluids. During summer, it is recommende­d that an average adult drinks three to four litres of water or any other fluids to ensure that the body balance is well-maintained. People who work outside during noon must not ignore symptoms like dryness in the mouth, dark urine, less production of urine, headache, weak muscles, fatigue or laziness as these are the first indication­s that the body is low on fluids. Another quick method of knowing if the body is dehydrated is the lack of elasticity in the skin. Also, people suffering from diabetes, kidney disorders or gland disorders must take special care as their body fluids are lost quickly. Similarly, kids and elderly citizens must ensure that the intake of water or fruit juices is suffi- cient to keep the body hydrated.

It is important that dehydratio­n be controlled as it can lead to kidney failure. Dr Srirang Abkari of Global Hospitals said, “When it is found that oral dihedral liquids are not working, the person must take immediate medical care. Intravenou­s dihedral liquids are required to be administer­ed or otherwise it can lead to kidney failures and can also cause death.”

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