Deccan Chronicle



Edward R. Murrow, who died in 1965, said, “The speed of communicat­ions is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distributi­on of informatio­n that we know to be untrue.”

What would he think about communicat­ions today?

At the bridge table, most nonexperts do not work out the distributi­ons of the unseen hands; and, to be honest, often it does not matter. Checking winners, losers and high-card points is more fruitful. But occasional­ly a deal comes along in which hand distributi­on is important.

To test yourself, cover the South and West hands. South is in four hearts. West leads the club ace, under which East signals with the eight, starting a high-low (echo) with a doubleton. West cashes his club king and gives East a club ruff. What should East lead at trick four?

In the bidding, South rebid three hearts to show at least 5-5 in the majors. North understand­ably went with the 5-3 heart fit. (Three no-trump fails if the defenders attack diamonds early.)

West was tempted to lead a trump because he had such good spades, but that might not have worked well here. If South wins the trick, cashes the spade ace, ruffs a spade in the dummy, and draws trumps, West is squeezed in three suits. Now back to East’s problem. He has seen declarer produce three clubs. So South's initial hand distributi­on must have been 5-5-03. East must resist the temptation to try to cash the diamond ace, which is fatal. Instead, he must exit with a trump. Then the contract cannot be made.

Copyright United Feature Syndicate (Asia Features)

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