Deccan Chronicle

Headley writes memoir in jail on 26/11 attacks, LeT

LeT bosses control terror activities from behind bars


New York, April 22: Pakistan-based terror group LeT’s technology chief Zarrar Shah and his fellow militants continue to direct terrorist activity from behind bars under ISI’s watch, setting up in jail a control room like the one in Karachi to oversee the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, a report said.

A report in Frontline titled ‘ The Hidden Intelligen­ce Breakdowns Behind the Mumbai Attacks’ says six years after the 26/11 attacks that brought Mumbai and India to a standstill, the mastermind­s are still “at large in Pakistan protected by the ISI, an intelligen­ce service that is nominally a US ally.”

While Pakistan had arrested a few Lashkar bosses, their trial remains stalled and in the “latest display of impunity”, two weeks ago Pakistani authoritie­s released on bail Zaki ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the military chief of Lashkar.

“Even the defendants behind bars are still a threat. Shah, Lashkar’s technology and communicat­ions chief, and his fellow militants continue to direct terrorist activity from the prison,” the report quoted current and former Western and Indian co-unterterro­r officials as saying. “They are able to continue operating unfettered there,” former State Department intelligen­ce analyst Tricia Bacon said in the report. “The control room that they once had in Karachi to oversee the Mumbai attacks they essentiall­y now have in the prison in the middle of the military capital in Rawalpindi,” Bacon said.

The report is an update of the documentar­y American Terrorist on LeT operative David Coleman Headley, who had scouted targets across Mumbai that were then attacked by 10 Pakistani terrorists during the three-day siege on Mumbai.—

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