Deccan Chronicle


Why even begin a consultati­on process on this issue, asks Rahul


New Delhi: Jumping into the raging Net neutrality debate, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday accused the BJP government of trying to hand over the Internet space to corporates.

Jumping into the raging Net neutrality debate, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday accused the BJP government of trying to hand over the Internet space to corporates, and demanded that the consultati­on process initiated by the telecom regulator be halted immediatel­y.

Raising the issue inside and outside the Lok Sabha, he said the Net neutrality debate was a “trial balloon” by the government, which he said, wanted to hand over the Internet space to corporates.

“I want to ask a question. If you have to protect Net neutrality, why did you begin the consultati­on process? It was a trial balloon. First float a trial balloon, see the reaction, and if the reaction is strong, then don’t proceed. That’s why we are opposing it tooth and nail so that they with- draw,” he said.

Responding to Mr Gandhi’s remarks, communicat­ions minister Ravi Shankar Prasad declared that the BJP government stood for “Digital India” and the Internet would be available to people in a “non- discrimina­tory” manner.

Mr Gandhi also paid a “left-handed compliment” to Prime Minister Narendra Modi over US President Barack Obama’s praise for him.

“For the first time a US President has spoken so highly of an Indian Prime Minister. This has happened for the first time in the last 60 years. Obama is not a small man. He is the US President. Earlier, such praise was showered only on Gorbachev, because he had helped the US,” Mr Rahul Gandhi said.

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Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi in New Delhi on Wednesday. — PTI

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