Deccan Chronicle

3 run over by cop in Delhi

The incident took place at 9.30 am while they were sweeping the road


New Delhi: Three women were on Tuesday crushed to death by a vehicle driven by a Delhi police sub-inspector in Badarpur area of Delhi. The police said that subinspect­or Rishi Pal was arrested and a case under Section 304 (A) of IPC (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) was registered against him. The deceased were identified as Shakuntala, 55, Meera, 50, and Maya, 28. The incident took place a day after a traffic cop was sacked and arrested for hitting a woman with a brick. Witnesses said the victims died on the spot.

New Delhi: Three women were on Tuesday crushed to death by a vehicle driven by a Delhi police subinspect­or in Badarpur area of Delhi. The police said that sub-inspector Rishi Pal was arrested and a case under 304 (A) of IPC (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) was slapped against him. The deceased were identified as Shakuntala (55), Meera (50) and Maya (28). The incident took place a day after a policeman was sacked and arrested for hitting a woman with a brick.

The deceased have been identified as Shakuntala (55), Meera (50) and Maya (28).

Accused Pal was currently posted with PCR Command at the police headquarte­rs.

“We have registered a case under section 304 (A) and the sub inspector has been arrested,” said a senior police official.

The incident took place near Mehrauli-Badarpur road when six sanitation

workers were cleaning the road and the sub inspector hit them at high speed, investigat­ors said.

Eyewitness­es said that all three died on the spot. Pal had night duty on Monday at PHQ and was returning home when the incident took place. It is being suspected that he dozed off and lost control over the car when the incident took place.

Eyewitness­es said that all three died on the spot.

“A Santro car came down from Badarpur side and mowed down my mother and two others. All of them died. The driver was later caught,” said the son of one of the women killed in the incident.

There were six women in all who were hired by the toll plaza authoritie­s for cleaning purposes. Three were sweeping while three others were clearing garbage.

While police claimed that the sub-inspector stopped on the spot and made a PCR call, eyewitness­es said he was caught by toll plaza guards.

“We have been hired by toll authoritie­s for cleaning the stretch. Our shift starts at 7:30 am, the incident took place around 9:30 am. The driver later identified as a policeman was,” said one of the woman, who survived.

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 ??  ?? A video grab shows the damaged car.
A video grab shows the damaged car.

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