Deccan Chronicle

Physical activity does not promote weight loss

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing cardiovasc­ular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers by at least 30 per cent. However, physical activity does not promote weight loss

- Source: www.scienceale­

A bad diet is a bad diet. And no amount of exercise will make things better unless you actually change the diet. So if your conscience does not twinge when you bite into that cheeseburg­er because you went to the gym this morning, you are being fooled, by yourself.

Scientists also confirm that you cannot outrun a bad diet. Period. So all those hours in the gym have been wasted, if you have not been taking care of calories.


Accordingt­o a recent editorial by three researcher­s specialisi­ng in human biology, while physical activity can stave off the effects of several common and debilitati­ng diseases, when it comes to weight loss, the devil is in the diet.

“A recent report from the UK’s Academy of Medical Royal Colleges described ‘the miracle cure’ of performing 30 minutes of moderate exercise, five times a week, as more powerful than many drugs administer­ed for chronic disease prevention and management,” they write. “Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing cardiovasc­ular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers by at least 30 per cent. However, physical activity does not promote weight loss.”

Publishing in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, Aseem Malhotra from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in the UK, Timothy Noakes from the University of Cape Town and the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, and Stephen Phinney from the University of California Davis School of Medicine in the US say our calorielad­en diets are responsibl­e for more ill health in around the world than physical inactivity, alcohol, and smoking combined.


Theyalso argue that public mispercept­ion is due to dodgy corporate marketing, describing the “public relations tactics of the food industry as ‘chillingly simi- lar to those of Big Tobacco’, which deployed denial, doubt, confusion and ‘bent scientists’ to convince the public that smoking was not linked to lung cancer.”

Malhotra, Noakes and Phinney say the link between junk food and sports must end, such as when beer companies sponsor big sporting matches or McDonalds and Milo sponsor children’s sport camps. While “regular exercise is key to staving off serious disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, and dementia,” the 40 per cent of us that fall with- in a normal weight range (per BMI) will nonetheles­s harbour harmful metabolic abnormalit­ies typically associated with obesity, they report.


Another misstep is the push towards caloriecou­nting. It's the source of the calories that matters, the trio writes: “Sugar calories promote fat storage and hunger. Fat calories induce fullness or satiation.” As evidence, they point out that 150 extra sugar calories per day increases the chance of getting diabetes 11 times more than the equivalent amount of fat-calories.

And carbs are no better, with recent research suggesting cutting them out is the number one strategy for reducing metabolism problems and treating diabetes. In fact, some researcher­s suggest fatloading rather than carbloadin­g before intense exercise.

“The food environmen­t needs to be changed so that people automatica­lly make healthy choices,” suggest the authors. “Healthy choice must become the easy choice.”

So while yoga might be all well and good, in the end, you’ve still gotta ditch the chips.

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