Deccan Chronicle



The police department has launched initiative­s to reform troubled youths in the old city. Acting as a nodal agency, it has clinched deals with the GHMC and Maruti Suzuki to train and recruit youngsters.

After several incidents of violence among youngsters in South Zone the police department has launched initiative­s to reform troubled youths in the old city. Acting as a nodal agency, the police has clinched deals with the GHMC and Maruti Suzuki to train and recruit youngsters.

The police is also recruiting youth. While over a 1,000 youngsters have shown willingnes­s to join the police, 500 have applied for the driving training programme of Maruti Suzuki. The police would also collaborat­e with IT companies and other major establishm­ents to recruit youths for semi skilled jobs. Hyderabad police commission­er M. Mahender Reddy has given the nod for the initiative and he is in talks with private companies.

Senior police officials say this unpreceden­ted attempt is part of advanced community policing and they believe that employment and a sense of direction can cut down crime among youngsters.

“We have enrolled 1,000 youngsters to train them for the upcoming home guard, police constable, and SI recruitmen­t exams. The GHMC authoritie­s are ready to provide food, shelter and study material free of cost. From next week the first batch will be attending training sessions,” said south zone DCP V. Satyanaray­ana.

Maruti Suzuki came forward to train all youngsters in driving till they get license. “So far, 500 people have applied and we are expecting 1,000 people. A batch of 1,500 people will be trained by the company free of cost. Once they are trained they will be employed as drivers in GHMC and private companies,” said the DCP.

The SIs from 18 police stations of south zone have started finding unemployed youngsters with the help of local representa­tives and by directly talking to youths.

The youngsters can approach each police station if they are willing to get employed.

The youngsters in Moghalpura, Mirchowk, Hussaini Alam, Sha Ali Band, Snathosnag­ar and several others places in the old city are giving a tough time to the police.

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