Deccan Chronicle

Schoolboy goes missing after scolding by teacher


A Class VII student went missing from home on Sunday in the Ghatkesar area after his teacher allegedly scolded him and asked him to do homework without fail. Parents said the boy, U. Anish, 13, did not go to school due to fear.

But the school denied the reports and said the teacher had only asked him to complete his homework.

Anish is the younger son of labourers U. Anand and U. Saroja. Anish and his elder brother U. Venkatesh are studying in Class VII at the Zilla Parishad High School in Ankushapur village.

Venkatesh was good in studies but Anish was poor. On Friday, as part of a project assessment, one of his teachers gave him an assignment.

He told Anish strictly to complete it without delay.

Next day, Anish skipped school saying that he was not well and was having stomach ache.

On Sunday he went out at around 10 am but did not return.

The worried parents and relatives started searching for him all over the village.

“One of his friends said that a teacher had warned him to complete homework on time and he feared that,” said Anish's father Anand.

During the search an autoricksh­aw driver who saw Anish in the evening said that he went towards Bibinagar. His relatives went to Bibinagar but could not find him.

Teachers denied the reports that he was threatened.

“Since he was weak in studies the teacher could have told him to do homework. Some friends said that his father beat him on Sunday morning before he went missing,” said a teacher.

However, the parents in their complaint said that Anish went missing from home without mentioning the school problem.

Based on a complaint from the parents, a missing case was registered. The police has formed special teams to track down the missing schoolboy.

 ??  ?? U. Anish
U. Anish

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