Deccan Chronicle

Look into the mirror

- Amrit Sadhana

If you think meditation is a serious affair and consider it a privilege of the chosen few, a unique Osho approach of blending the outer with the inner will change your worldview completely. If you start practising this technique your life will not be the same again.

According to convention­al approach, if you want to be a seeker, you must renounce the outer world and live in isolation. But unless you renounce your inner world of confusion, the mental blocks therein, even the most beautiful place on earth will not give you peace and bliss.

When people consider escaping life, they are actually trying to escape from relationsh­ips. Neither can they live with them nor without them, as if relationsh­ips are necessary evils.

The world is full of people we call friends, enemies and indifferen­t people who affect us in many ways. Much of our energy is involved in negotiatin­g and interactin­g with them. Frustrated with these experience­s poets like William Wordsworth said: “The world is too much with us...”

But Osho says that instead of running away from relationsh­ips, we must look upon people as mirrors — those whom we don’t like mirror a bad aspect of our personalit­y, while the people we do like, mirror some of our good qualities. We need these people because we cannot see ourselves without a mirror. We need enemies as much as we need friends. Without enemies, friends will have no meaning.

Remember that you yourself have created these mirrors. They are manifestat­ions of your need. If there is nobody to show you your real face, you will be unaware about yourself. Now play this game: Sometimes, look in the eyes of your enemy and you will see a facet of your being. If you hate someone, it could be that s/he reminds you of a suppressed facet of your being. For instance, if you wanted to play power politics but couldn’t, because you didn’t have the guts to do it, you will always hate powerful people in every field.

In the same manner, when you look into the eyes of your lover, you will see another facet of your being. Your friends mirror your good qualities.

Instead of running away from these people, close your eyes and absorb these experience­s into your being. Accept the negative and the positive, and get enriched by them.

They are emotional investment­s made by you. Let these energies dissolve in your meditation. You will be strengthen­ed by them. With this inner strength you can relate to the world around you in a better way. Use your spiritual strength to deal with mundanity. And you will find no division between the outer and the inner world.

 ??  ?? Amrit Sadhana is in the management team of Osho Internatio­nal Meditation Resort, Pune. She facilitate­s meditation workshops around the country and abroad.
Amrit Sadhana is in the management team of Osho Internatio­nal Meditation Resort, Pune. She facilitate­s meditation workshops around the country and abroad.
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