Deccan Chronicle




1 His name was lengthened by God at age 99

6 Theme in much Greek art

15 Beasts of the wild

16 Guru for hire

17 N.J. home of the “Ultimate Weapon” monument

18 The puck drops here

19 Like some explosions

21 Unwanted buildup

22 Syllable of faux rebuke

23 Group in many conspiracy theories

25 Its flag is dark blue, symbolizin­g an ocean

26 Calls

27 Character builder?

28 Masonrysup­porting rod

29 One getting an across-theboard promotion?

30 Late-spring arrival

31 Some Winter Olympians 35 Mesoameric­a n language with 400,000+ speakers

36 Emotional appeal

37 “___ arigato”

38 Hawthorne’s “___ Brand”

39 0.5, for 150°

40 Something made on one’s birthday

44 City famous for bad traffic?

45 Traveling show with the number “Trading Taps”

47 Half of a rhyming candy duo

48 First name in industrial design

49 Extremely

50 Cartoon friend of Dumb Donald and Weird Harold

53 “This Perfect Day” novelist, 1970

54 Underneath all the layers

55 Program with a “Get Ripped” version

56 “Benefit” of some “friends”

57 Cast wide


1 Liaison

2 With 35Down, Korea in the 1950s or Iraq in the 2000s

3 Diesel who invented the diesel engine

4 Loathing

5 Popular pinup publicatio­n

6 Doc’s warm treatment

7 Mathematic­ia n with a hypothesis unproven since 1859

8 Worth heeding

9 Beijing-born star of “Kiss of the Dragon”

10 Didn’t get a return from

11 “… confirm ___ deny …”

12 Hold your horses

13 Dermatolog­ica l drug withdrawn by Roche in 2009

14 Stump speeches, often

20 Ones with big butts

24 What’s going on

25 Marlin’s son, in an animated film

28 Take back, in a way

29 Cog, so to speak

30 Call of Duty fans, e.g.

31 General’s opposite

32 Form of Japanese syllabic writing

33 ___ foot

34 Indian alternativ­e

35 See 2-Down

37 What “marriage is the chief cause of,” per Groucho Marx

39 They’ll stop traffic

40 Greet from a ways away, say

41 “How dare you!”

42 Journalist, informally

43 “Ea-a-asy, buddy!”

45 Common hero in American literature

46 Yo-yos

48 Film character who brings the snowman Olaf to life

51 Pac-12 sch.

52 Nickname on a cattle drive

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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