Deccan Chronicle

Your day today

- By Dr C.V.B. Subrahmany­am

Aries: Try to stick to your schedule and finish as much work as possible. Socialisin­g with colleagues will help you build a better rapport with them. Make sure you spend quality time with your children. Taurus: It is a good day for you financiall­y. Some of you might take up a new venture or job. But, remember not to mix your personal and profession­al life. Gemini: Don’t neglect your family’s needs. Before investing in a new project, make sure you take advice from seniors. New projects might soon come your way.

Cancer: Today, your hard work will get noticed at the workplace. Family functions might keep some of you busy. Unnecessar­ily spending may disturb your monthly budget.

Leo: Socialisin­g with colleagues will help you build a better rapport with them. A misunderst­anding at home could result in a fight with family members. Avoid any arguments today.

Virgo: Keep your focus on things that require urgent attention. It is a good day to buy new electronic equipment. Exciting news from overseas can be expected. Health might be troublesom­e for some. Be cautious while lending or taking loans. Libra: People might turn to you for help. Forging new alliances in business will help you out in the future. Take help from an experience­d colleague before making any investment. Spend some time with family. Scorpio: Make children aware of their responsibi­lities by giving them a few chores at home. An outing with family will provide you the required break from work. Sagittariu­s: You are likely to find yourself in a tight spot at work or at home. Some of you might get promoted at work. Try not to lose your temper. Capricorn: Don’t expect much from family or friends today because they will not be able to provide necessary support. Exercise to stay fit.

Aquarius: Work pressures are likely to continue. Your superiors at work might be helpful towards you.Take time out to relax. Plan for a short holiday with your friends.

Pisces: If you’ve been working on a project for a long time now, you will finally reap benefits. Your financial position will improve today. Try to be positive at work and help your colleagues. Avoid taking a hasty decision.

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