Deccan Chronicle

Man murders FB pal, salts him, for money

Naveen killed Raheem and sprinkled salt on his body


A 23-year-old youth who murdered a friend whom he had met on Facebook for money was arrested on Saturday. Naveen, after killing Raheem in the latter’s room on Monday night, sprinkled salt on the body to suppress the smell, and covered it with clothes to prevent blood from spreading around.

LB Nagar ACP Venugopal Rao said that Shaikh Raheem was working as an electricia­n in a private company, and Naveen was a guard who was unemployed. The duo met on FB and became friends as both used to consume alcohol.

As Naveen was unemployed he depended on Raheem for alcohol and petty expenses. Naveen also used to forcibly collect money from his parents for his expenses.

Last Monday, the duo purchased liquor and came to Raheem’s room. They along with house owner Lingaiah consumed alcohol till midnight. When an argument broke out between Naveen and Raheem over a petty issue, Lingaiah left, and the duo continued quarrellin­g.

Meanwhile, Naveen eyed the money with Raheem and decided to steal it. After Raheem became drunk and slept, Naveen hit Raheem with a stone. When he found that Raheem had not died, he took a dumbbell from the room, hit Raheem on the head, and killed him.

“Naveen sprinkled salt on Raheem’s body to suppress the smell and covered the body with clothes so that the blood does not spread over the room. He also took two phones and cash from Raheem’s pockets,” the ACP said. Later, Naveen locked the room from outside and fled. Two days later when Raheem’s colleagues came to the room to find out why he was absent, they found the door locked and when they broke it open, they found Raheem’s body.

Police analysed Raheem’s call data records and other clues, nabbed Naveen, who admitted the offence. He was remanded to custody.

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