Deccan Chronicle

Quota clubbing worries babus


It is believed in some quarters that the government may place Muslim reservatio­ns under Schedule 9 of the Constituti­on, a provision that will ensure it is protected from judicial review.

Some senior IAS officers and political leaders are exerting pressure on the state government against clubbing enhancemen­t of ST reservatio­ns with the quota for Muslims.

They argue that if this is done, the possibilit­y of enhancemen­t of ST reservatio­ns facing legal problems will increase.

In TS, reservatio­ns have reached the 50 per cent mark and this threshold should not be crossed as per Supreme Court orders.

The state has 6 per cent reservatio­n for STs, 15 per cent for SCs, 25 per cent for BCs and 4 per cent for Muslim minorities.

The government wants to enhance ST reservatio­ns from 6 per cent to 9 and for Muslims from 4 to 9 per cent. If this is done, the total reservatio­ns would go up to 58 per cent, crossing the Supreme Court-set threshold.

The officials point out that the 4 per cent Muslim reservatio­ns are already facing legal hurdles. If this quota is scrapped in court, the state proposal to enhance ST reservatio­ns will not face any problem.

They said that if the government clubs ST and Muslim reservatio­ns, then it will be left with no options in case of a legal block.

If the TS government wants to follow the Tamil Nadu model, it faces a lengthy path ahead, including getting the Constituti­on amended.

The Constituti­on guarantees reservatio­ns to STs as per their population in each state.

If the state government keeps the ST and Muslim reservatio­ns separate, it can at least implement the enhanced ST reservatio­ns and let the courts take a call on Muslim reservatio­ns.

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