Deccan Chronicle

What must be done to curb encroachme­nt of road in the city?

- — Satish Shah, S. Kumar — Sriram Singham ublic roads are not private property. They are meant for public use. It is easy for agencies like the GHMC, RTA or the police to remove these obstructio­ns. Many accidents are taking place as roads are not properly

Recently, we saw a gang war between two political parties. The issue was the encroachme­nt of roads/footpaths by vendors. I thought vendors are poor people without any support, but now encroachme­nts have become a business for mafias. Local politician­s and their goons are using the poor to grab footpaths and roads pushing senior citizens, women, children etc on to the road. This has now become a big business affecting all citizens. (Congratula­tions Satish Shah, S. Kumar! You win `150 which you may collect from our office before Friday)

To curb encroachme­nts on city roads, the GHMC must be strict while giving permission­s. If any illegal building is constructe­d, the GHMC must demolish it immediatel­y and cancel the permit for constructi­on.


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