Deccan Chronicle


26 MARCH 2017


D o you know exactly what you’ve got in every single one of your pockets? How about the contents of your bag or the drawers in your kitchen? Broom cupboard? Bedside cabinet? Sometimes, we’re surprised when we discover items that we’d forgotten all about and didn’t even know we had. It’s the same with our inner resources. We think, ‘I just don’t have it in me to do this.’ Then when we reach within and start looking, we bring forth impressive attributes. With a New Moon conjunct Venus, you’ll soon see what I mean. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Though you may feel out of your depth in a situation, you are not in over your head. You can — and will — soon learn to swim.

ARIES March 21-April 20 TAURUS April 21-May 21

D o you find yourself feeling unable to move on? With your ruler being retrograde for some time now, a situation could be feeling so difficult to move past that, in the words of TV’s Blackadder, there hasn’t been ‘a stickier situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun’. But the Cosmos has a cunning plan. The New Moon conjunct Venus provides the impetus for a way out. And, as Mercury enters your sign at the end of this week, making you ‘sharper than a page of Oscar Wilde’s witticisms, sprinkled with lemon juice’, you’ll have the wit to find it! IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You feel, as if you ought to be resisting something or someone. Don’t. Accept and see the good.

GEMINI May 22-June 22

F orget what you once knew. It may have been relevant once; it’s no longer quite so apposite. As Mercury conjuncts Uranus, in 2017’s great Tsquare, before linking harmonious­ly with Saturn, you’ll soon see a better way to look at your situation. A wiser understand­ing can be reached. It’s not that you were wrong before; it’s just that you were looking at everything from a particular angle. Now you can see further and you must trust this additional informatio­n. It may prove unnerving to absorb, but it has the potential to help you greatly. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Some people now feel entitled to find fault with you. Try not to take it personally. Meet hostility with kindness.

LEO July 24-August 23

Y ou’ve had about as much as you can take. You’re on the edge. But that’s like saying that you’re standing on some glorious balcony, overlookin­g a steep ravine. It looks as if you could fall over the side. You’re certainly very close to the great abyss, yet there’s a safety railing. You’re not going to jump, nor will you be pushed. The New Moon, conjunct retrograde Venus, encourages you to learn what you need to learn from this view. Don’t be afraid of what you’re being shown. Soon, you’ll see something else. A clear route to a safe destinatio­n. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Only nurture constructi­ve expectatio­ns and you’ll be surprised how many positive developmen­ts you attract.

LIBRA September 24-October 23

T he world is a weird and wonderful place. And the people who live in it? Well, one very weird and wonderful thing about them, is the way most of them insist that they’re not weird, and quite a few seem determined to deny that there’s anything wonderful about them. With your ruler in reverse, opposite your sign, you’re facing a situation which seems ridiculous. Someone’s behaviour seems unreasonab­le. It may leave a lot to be desired — but, so many circumstan­ces in our lives do that. Don’t mistake a small nuisance for a big crisis this week. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You have been stuck too long. Sooner, you will have the freedom to move once more. Prepare for a lot of progress.

VIRGO August 24-September 23

I n Japan, researcher­s believe that the practice of ‘Forest Bathing’ has health benefits. Of course, finding out that spending time in nature helps to lower blood pressure and reduce stress seems like a no-brainer. But recent studies suggest that our immune systems are actually boosted by essential oils, which are emitted by trees into the atmosphere. Where, in your life, can you find the truth that confirms something you’ve long suspected? Even if it affirms your suspicions, it may have something surprising to teach you. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: The fact you least want to face is the reality you will ultimately be most grateful to embrace. Have faith and be optimistic.

SCORPIO October 24-November 22

T here’s a website called ‘Scale of Universe’ with a graphic that allows you to move from human sized objects, out to the farthest reaches of the universe. It also moves in the other direction, down to the smallest theorised measuremen­ts of everything. What’s interestin­g is where humans are found on the scale. We’re slightly to the right of the centre, suggesting that the world of the small expands slightly more than the realm of the large. You’re currently on a voyage of discovery. But maybe there’s more to find by turning in, than looking out? IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: The more you doubt yourself, the more you are going to complicate something that is actually simple... and sweet.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

M y son is a big fan of The Very Hungry Caterpilla­r by Eric Carle. In this tale, a caterpilla­r eats through all manner of foodstuffs before constructi­ng its chrysalis, and eventually turning into a butterfly. Be it this story, or The Ugly Duckling, the world of children’s literature is full of themes of transforma­tion. Your life story can reflect this now — with one important difference. You’re no ugly duckling or insatiable grub. You don’t need to disappear into a cocoon to undergo a metamorpho­sis. You just need to stretch the wings that have been there all along. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Who is now making a fuss and who is now keeping quiet? Be less drawn by the noisy and show more respect to the quiet.

AQUARIUS January 21-February 19

W hen you were a kid, did you have a favourite pair of shoes? Did you wear them all the time? Were you sad when you realised you’d outgrown them? This was necessary and right. Yet, you probably couldn’t see it at the time. Now think about the way in which some of your ideas about life are beginning to change. With Mercury conjunct your modern ruler in 2017’s great T-square, you may no longer feel and think quite what you once felt and thought. That’s appropriat­e. Don’t fear, regret or worry about a change. Grow with it. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: With effort and wisdom now, you can make decisions that enable you to permanentl­y improve your position in the future.

PISCES February 20-March 20

Y ou might have heard of the phrase ‘The greater good.’ Never has a phrase been capable of so much trouble. Compromise­s we’d never normally make suddenly seem reasonable, and actions that we’d never usually take become defensible.

This week, think about the devil in the detail of a deal. Where are you sacrificin­g your beliefs for the benefit of change? Is this one capitulati­on too many? Is the price too high? Whatever decisions you take, do so with kindness and an open heart. This can be a time of powerful growth, bringing you to a wonderful destinatio­n. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You may feel unable to see a route from here to where you want to be, but if you can picture the destinatio­n, you can surely reach it.

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