Deccan Chronicle

Hindutva as a tool for ‘developmen­t’

- Shiv Visvanatha­n The writer is a professor at Jindal Law School

In the history of modernisat­ion, Jeremy Bentham has a special place, along with Fourier, Loyola, Rousseau and Marx Weber. He coined a concept and elaborated a notion of governance, which, while being efficient, managerial and robustly economic, was, in fact, utilitaria­n, introducin­g a totalitari­anism of a different kind from the Hobbesian contract. Hobbes evolved the idea of the Leviathan as a totalitari­an figure, created to combat the anarchy of the so-called state of nature.

Bentham wished to bring order to the anarchy of the enclosure movement, where thousands of farmers, orphans and other displaced people had to be discipline­d, contained, domesticat­ed so as to be available for the industrial revolution. He provided the philosophi­cal argument where the panopticon was not just a physical structure but a managerial attempt to create a mind-set, a mentality more conducive to factory life. A panopticon in that sense was both architecto­nic, a mode of organising thought and an architectu­re, a building that reflected that mentality. A panopticon as a building reflected theories of light and darkness. The building was flooded with light where everyone could be subject to surveillan­ce. One of the ironies of modernity is that both surveillan­ce as a mode of order and transparen­cy, as a condition for freedom, operates with the metaphor of light. In the panopticon, light and dark differenti­ated power and control from the abjectness of scrutiny. The inspector, that site of omnipresen­ce stands in a point of darkness while the universe around him is flooded with light to facilitate inspection.

The panopticon developed almost as a piece of fiction has become with one of the self-fulfilling prophecies of the modern era. It is the power of fictions to empower the logic of discursive realities that makes them effective. Panopticon­s are built on a theory of punishment where one creates a lesser evil to trigger a greater good. The panopticon creates the idea of omnipresen­ce, a God-like quality by secularisi­ng it to the gaze. Interestin­gly, the idea of the all-seeing gaze goes back to Nicholas Cusa in his 1453 treatise where he visualised a painting so craftily done that the viewer from wherever he looked got the sense that the figure in the painting is looking at him.

The BJP as a modernisin­g party is, in fact, creating the new panopticon. It emphasises the World Bank lingo of governance. It is avid about technology but what it focuses on is its majoritari­an sense of control, not technology or management. These are accessorie­s, slide shows to create an enclosure movement to discipline and modify culture. Not even Mao during the Cultural Revolution was so insidious in his attempt to transform culture. The BJP makes Orwell look silly because the new animal farm it has created has deep roots of acceptance. It caters to an India desperate for success, which is quite ready to accept authoritar­ianism if it speeds up aspiration­s.

The selfie totalitari­anism of the BJP deepens both concretely and abstractly. Its idea of the panopticon is not a concrete building but a way of mapping the country into submission. It begins at two levels of control, of the body and therefore the body politic. At the level of the minds, it has to rectify history and therefore officialis­e and legitimise words like patriotism, security and developmen­t. They had to be exorcised of plural or confusing associatio­ns, when words march in uniform. No regime has been so preoccupie­d with behavioura­l reform, since the regime knows that in controllin­g memory, it can govern behaviour. A modern panopticon has to control and manage informatio­n before it can control the body. To achieve this part, the BJP has appealed to technology and management, making coercion look progressiv­e and civilisati­onal. One would almost think our Silicon Valley NRIs are cultural robots created by the BJP machine.

But the philistine totalitari­anism of the BJP goes further. It seeks control of the attempts to define the body, state the rules of sensuality through love jihad, the imposition of prohibitio­n, on what to eat (no beef). It links consumptio­n to patriotism and creates a code of restrictio­ns. It has no problem with genetic engineerin­g or even nuclear energy, but refuses to allow beef. It is a new kind of Hindu puritanism which turns vegetarian­ism into the only permissibl­e patriotism and carnivores into heretics or suspects. Food is not just about taboo. It has to convey an air of asceticism, create a veneer that appears like self-restraint but is about a deeper behavioura­l control. This is a regime that not only tells you what not to eat but also how much to eat. It pretends that this reform deals with waste and responsibi­lity but when decoded, each measure spells control, suggesting that discipline by the State is inevitable if the selfdiscip­line that the BJP wants is not possible. The BJP is clear that it is creating the new Indian self.

In the world of digitalisa­tion, the BJP has found a secular tool to tame the informal economy, while pretending to control corruption. The first was demonetisa­tion and the second was the Aadhaar card. When one decides that there cannot be school admissions, mid-day meals without Aadhaar cards one is using the pretence of welfare to create a securitari­an State. Demonetisa­tion was not a system to control consumptio­n but to break the informal economy of migrants, daily wage workers, roadside dhabas, craft economies, even smaller mundis that insisted on cash. When one lists it out like the shopping list of the new government­al module, what one gets is the new panopticon, the enclosure movement for culture that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the RSS have created.

Welcome to the new totalitari­anism in the name of developmen­t in a majoritari­an democracy. Mr Modi’s dream of creating an India as a soft version of the China of Mao may not be far away.

The selfie totalitari­anism of the BJP deepens both concretely and abstractly. Its idea of the panopticon is not a concrete building but a way of mapping the country into submission.

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