Deccan Chronicle

A pointless controvers­y


It’s clear that the petition in the Supreme Court seeking a reinvestig­ation into Mahatma Gandhi’s 1948 assassinat­ion has more to do with the ideology of a rightist organisati­on prominent at that time. In raking up the issue now, 70 years later, casting doubts over the police investigat­ion and the work of the 1966 J.L. Kapur Commission, which came to the only possible conclusion based on the evidence before it, seems to be a belated bid to posthumous­ly clear the name of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. An extremist ideologue of Hindu nationalis­m, he was let off despite circumstan­tial evidence linking him to the conspirato­rs and perpetrato­rs of one of the darkest deeds in Indian history, in which the Father of the Nation was shot three times by crazed Hindu nationalis­t Nathuram Godse and his accomplice Narayan Apte, both of whom were hanged for the crime.

History records Savarkar got off on the conspiracy charge on a technicali­ty due to lack of direct evidence, though the Kapur Commission establishe­d he was in close touch with the conspirato­rs. In the weeks before Godse pulled the Beretta semi-automatic pistol from close quarters at Birla House, there had been several attempts on Gandhi, despite which the Mahatma refused precaution­s. This was no Jack Kennedy assassinat­ion with multiple conspiracy theory angles to it. Much like Indira Gandhi and then her son Rajiv Gandhi becoming victims of religious and national divisions, there was at least the thought that the commission­s of inquiry had straightfo­rward conclusion­s to come to. Gandhi’s assassinat­ion was an open and shut case. Why rake this up now?

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