Deccan Chronicle

Cops nab one who attacked doctor


Afzalgunj police on Monday arrested a man who allegedly attacked a junior doctor at Osmania General Hospital on Sunday night following a patient’s death.

Police arrested Mohammed Nadeem, 38, a painter from Warasiguda, whose mother had died in the hospital while undergoing treatment. The case has been booked against him for outraging a woman’s modesty, and assault.

“Since the doctor is a woman, and the suspect physically assaulted her, we booked a case against him under IPC sections 354 (outraging a woman’s modesty) and 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty),” said Afzalgunj police inspector P. Gananendar Reddy.

Police also have booked a case against Nadeem’s relative, Yasmin, for assaulting the doctor.

The incident occurred on Sunday night after Nadeem’s mother Mumtaz, 68, died in the hospital. Mumtaz was brought to the hospital a week ago after she was paralysed. She had suffered two brain strokes and her condition was getting worse.

After she died, Nadeem allegedly abused, slapped and twisted the junior doctor’s arms before pushing her to the floor.

Dr Sanjana Nethagani, who was on duty at the time, and a witness to the incident, said, “Four of us who were on duty that night were physically harmed by the chairs. Since I and the resident doctor ran away after hearing the death threats, they latched onto her, pinched and slapped her.”

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