Deccan Chronicle

Lifestyle has a say in workout

Extreme exercising not safe: Experts


The intensity of a workout depends on the lifestyle of a person. Sedentary, moderately active and active lifestyles demand different levels of exertion in the gym.

For women, who lead a sedentary or a moderately active lifestyles, weight-lifting can be done up to 4 kg, while the ideal weight that women can lift is 5 to 7 kg. Similarly, for men in the same category, weight-lifting can be done up to 10 to 12 kg.

Dr B. Nitin Kumar, a senior orthopaedi­c and sports medicine expert at Yashoda Hospital, said, “A sudden increase in the workout has to be avoided. We see one case of intense workout damage ever week. Extreme exercises like cross fit are the hot pick among gymgoers. But it is not safe as many people think. Extreme workouts have potential dangers of muscle tear and fatigue.”

Teenagers and middle-aged men and women push their bodies too hard. Pain, nausea and vomiting are the results of overexerti­on.

Dr Sajjad Sheikh, a specialist in sports medicine, said, “If a person has been a couch potato for a decade, jumping onto extreme workout is not going to help. The training has to be gradual. There are many young executives who are travelling most of the time. They must opt for a moderate cardio exercise.”

The worst life-threatenin­g injury to gymgoers is rhabdomyol­ysis. This occurs due to a breakdown of muscle tissues. The breakdown of the muscle leads to the release of myoglobin, which is a protein, into the blood stream. This can poison kidneys and lead to a kidney failure. The symptoms include muscle pains, weakness, vomiting and confusion.

Dr Rama Krishna, a neuro physiother­apist, noted, “Rhabdomyol­ysis can be prevented by drinking fluids before and after an intense workout. This helps dilute the urine and helps kidneys eliminate myoglobin that the muscles may have released during an intense workout.”

Dr B. Nitin Kumar added, “The load on the muscle should be increased gradually. Start with smaller weights. Repeat it till you are able to handle it comfortabl­y. Then proceed to the next level. Moderation is pivotal for a healthy exercise routine.”

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