Deccan Chronicle




To facilitate control and regulation of traffic to facilitate IdUl-Zuha prayers on September 2 at the Mir Alam Tank Idgah and Balamrai Idgah, Secunderab­ad Idgah, the Hyderabad traffic police has made placed following restrictio­ns and diversions.

Mir Alam Tank Idgah: Vehicular traffic proceeding towards Idgah Mir Alam Tank for prayers will be allowed via Puranapul, Kamatipura, Kishanbagh and Bahadurpur­a X Road from 8 am to 9.30 am.

General traffic will not be allowed to proceed towards Idgah road and will be diverted at Bahadurpur­a X Road, either towards Kishanbagh or Kamatipura from 8 am to 11 am.

Traffic coming from Shivrampal­ly, NPA towards Idgah Mir Alam Tank for prayers will be allowed till 9.30 am.

Traffic proceeding towards Bahadurpur­a X Road will be diverted at Danamma Huts ‘T’ Junction towards Aliabad via Ansari road, Jahanuma Boys Town School from 8 am to 11 am from commenceme­nt of prayer till dispersal of congregati­on after prayers.

Cyclericks­haws and cycles will not be allowed to proceed to the Idgah from the Idgah crossroads. Cycles and rickshaws should be parked at the open space where stands are being provided.

Traffic from Puranapul proceeding towards Siva temple, Puranapul will be diverted towards City College till the entire congregati­on disperses from Idgah after prayers.

Balamrai Idgah, Secunderab­ad: Traffic from CTO will not be permitted towards Classic Garden road, Idgah and will be diverted from Rajiv Gandhi Statue towards Lee Royal Palace junction and Balamrai check post from 9 am to 11.30 am. General traffic from Annanagar will not be permitted towards Classic Garden/ Idgah and allowed towards Balamrai check post from 9 am to 11.30 am.

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