Deccan Chronicle

3% Indian kids have cow milk allergy


Three out of 100 infants in India suffer from cow’s milk allergy, causing vomiting and diarrhoea. As there is no biochemica­l or skin prick test to detect cow’s milk allergy, it is only through diagnosis it can be determined.

Paediatric­ians, nutritioni­sts and paediatric gynaecolog­ists state that many clinical and research studies have been undertaken to identify the problem among toddlers from 0 to 3 years of age. Out of the 25 different proteins in cow’s milk, it was four proteins which cause the allergy in children.

The allergy leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa which results in intoleranc­e of protein. At the clinical level, mothers are not aware of this condition and it is often misdiagnos­ed as infective diarrhoea.

Dr Prashant Bachina, pediatric gastroente­rologist and hepatologi­st, said, “Several episodes of vomiting and bloody diarrhoea get misdiagnos­ed as infective one. Young infants are put on antibiotic­s and if there is no improvemen­t they are referred to higher centres or a gastroente­rologist. The diagnosis is purely on the history of the child whose feed cycles and the milk consumed by the mother are accounted for. Often mothers are asked to consume more milk so that they get better breast feed. In other cases, when the mother’s milk is not sufficient and there are supplement­s made out of cow’s milk used to feed the baby. Often these children are not able to digest the proteins and they require other supplement­s where the proteins are in basic form to help them digest and grow.”

The government has now allowed extensivel­y hydrolyzed and amino acid formula milk in the Indian market. Infants who are allergic to cow’s milk are recommende­d these advanced formula supplement­s so that recurrent diarrhoea stops.

Before the availabili­ty of these supplement­s, soya formula milk was prescribed but 1 per cent of the children reacted to these supplement­s too.

Dr Nandan Joshi, a scientist and a nutritioni­st explained, “Identifyin­g cow’s milk allergy is a tough task for young mothers. The 3 per cent of children who suffer from this allergy have a tough time and their growth is affected. The intoleranc­e is reduced only when they are off milk and often these children are weaned away within eight to nine months and brought completely on compliment­ary foods.”

MILK ALLERGY is a tough task for young mothers. The 3% children who suffer from this allergy have a tough time and their growth is affected. The intoleranc­e is reduced when they are weaned away within eight to nine months.

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