Deccan Chronicle

Pharmacist­s failing to notify TB cases to be penalised


The decision of the Union ministry of health to file criminal cases against doctors and pharmacist­s who do not report tuberculos­is cases has not gone down well with the medical community, who have stated that all cases of TB are referred to government hospitals.

Dr T. Narsinga Reddy, president of the Indian Medical Associatio­n in Telangana explained, “TB patients are not treated in private clinics due to government programs, where they get free medicines. However affluent the patient may be, they are asked to go to government hospitals as it is mandatory. Private doctors are cautious and such rules only make them take further preventive measures.”

The super speciality hospitals treating these patients have a separate unit to notify the cases to the government. But other centres diagnosing and treating the disease are not notifying, hence causing this disparity.

The state TB control unit states that only 15 per cent of tuberculos­is cases in the state are reported by private hospitals. The biggest challenge lies in the semi-urban and rural areas, where these cases are not being reported.

According to new rules, failure to report tuberculos­is cases will now be punishable under Section 269 and 270 of the Indian Penal Code which refers to a negligent act leading to spread of diseases dangerous to life.

The diagnostic tests are carried out by various private centres to confirm tuberculos­is and often the treatment is started without notificati­on. A senior doctor on condition of anonymity explained, “Family physicians, small clinics and also mediumsize­d private hospitals refuse to take in TB patients as it becomes very hard for them to manage. The big hospitals who have staff to notify the disease and also take care of the patient are the only ones who are doing it.”

Being a highly contagious disease, private clinics do not encourage treatment as it could affect other patients. Dr G. Srinivas, senior general physician, explained, “These rules come as a deterrent and it is the patient who suffers as they will have to go to government centres seeking treatment.”

The government has been taking these steps to ensure that missing patients are also notified and treated. For this reason, pharmacist­s have also been brought under the radar so that the dispensati­on of TB drugs can help them track the patients.

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