Deccan Chronicle

Kalpana from Bihar stands first; Rohan gets 99.999764 percentile score Kukatpally boy stands second in Neet


Kalpana Kumari from Bihar has obtained the All India Rank 1 in Neet 2018 with 99.99 percentile score. But other top ranks — second, sixth and eighth — have been bagged by students from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Kalpana Kumari scored 171 out of 180 in Physics, 160 out of 180 in Chemistry, and 360 out of 360 in Biology (Biology and Zoology).

Rohan Purohit, a resident of Kukatpally in Hyderabad, has come second with 99.999764 percentile score with the score of 690 marks out of 720. Varun Muppidi from Hyderabad came sixth with 99.999449 percentile score with 685 marks.

Ankadala Anirudh Babu from Andhra Pradesh came eighth in the All India rankings by scoring 99.999134 percentile score and 680 marks.

Rohan Purohit wants to get into AIMS Delhi to do an MBBS. His aim is to become a neurologis­t. Both his parents are doctors — mother Nirmala is a dermatolog­ist and father Bharat Vijay is a consultant and senior cardiologi­st at Continenta­l Hospitals. Rohan told this newspaper that he is naturally very happy with his high ranking. “I knew that I would do well but I didn’t expect that I would do this good. I was not serious about this profession until class 8, but my parents guided and encouraged me to take up medicine. I am very much inspired by my father who is a senior cardiologi­st. I began preparing for all these competitiv­e exams from class 8. I like biology but in Neet I scored more marks in chemistry.”

He says he wants to become a neurosurge­on “because when I first read about the brain it really fascinated me. Our brain is a really interestin­g organ.”

He said he also “loves to play keyboard and took classes during my school days.”

However, if he could not become a doctor his next choice of profession would be a writer, he says. “Like my paternal grandfathe­r Dr Shankar Lal Purohit who won a Sahitya Academy award in Hindi literature. I’ve written short stories since childhood and everyone used to appreciate my stories,” Rohan told Deccan Chronicle. Also wanting to become a doctor is 17-yearold Varun Muppidi of Hyderabad who secured an All India ranking of sixth, with 99.999449 percentile score and 685 marks.

Kalpana Kumari from Bihar has obtained the All India Rank 1 in Neet 2018 with 99.99 percentile score. But other top ranks - second, sixth and eighth have been bagged by students from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Varun’s mother Aarti Muppidi is an economist and his father Srinivas Reddy Muppidi is a businessma­n.

Varun was brought up in the USA and schooled in internatio­nal schools and later he joined Sri Chaitanya School during his intermedia­te year.

“It’s a really good feeling to score top rank in NEET2018. I want to become a doctor because I want to help people and I always had a passion for learning biology and related fields. My parents, my teachers and my institute Sri Chaitanya have helped and supported me to pursue medicine and to get adjusted to a state syllabus from an internatio­nal syllabus.’’

He adds, “I decided to become a doctor at a very young age when I was in grade 6 after my grandfathe­r passed away. I want to become a neurologis­t because my grandfathe­r passed away due to neurologic­al issues. I attended various neuro science programmes at Johns Hopkins University in USA in Neuro science department which also helped me. If not a doctor I would like to pursue research in medical field or I would like to pursue medical journalism. I am waiting for my AIMS results because I wish to pursue my MBBS in AIMS Delhi.’’

 ?? — Deepak Deshpande ?? Rohan Purohit with his family.
— Deepak Deshpande Rohan Purohit with his family.

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