Deccan Chronicle

Modi has habit of enjoying evil pleasure: Jaipal Reddy

Former Union minister says though global crude oil prices had come down, the Modi government was increasing fuel prices. He said the government was getting a profit of `3.7 lakh crore from this.


Former Union minister S. Jaipal Reddy alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had the habit of “enjoying evil pleasure”, while speaking about the rise in prices of fuel

He said that after Mr Modi became Prime Minister, excise duty on fuel was increased nine times. Revenue from excise duty during the UPA regime stood at `1.30 lakh crore, which had doubled to `2.7 lakh crore under the Modi dispensati­on.

Mr Jaipal Reddy said though global crude oil prices had come down in the internatio­nal market, the Modi government was increasing the price of petrol, diesel and gas. He said the government was getting a profit of `3.7 lakh crore from the sale of petrol, diesel and gas.

Mr Jaipal Reddy said when he was petroleum minister a barrel of crude oil was $120. It had now come down to $75. When crude oil prices come down the government should reduce the burden on the consumer he said and asked how the Modi government had increased the prices.

Mr Jaipal Reddy said there were more than one crore vehicles in Telangana state but the government was not opposing the price hike on Petrol and diesel as it gets more revenue.

He demanded that excise duty and taxes on petrol and diesel should be reduced. Mr Jaipal Reddy said the Prime Minister was “fighting with the middle class people” by increasing the price of fuel and gas. The people were ready to unseat Mr Modi, he said.

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